ogg add extract process

In the standared oracle goldengate confiugration, one Extract group sends captured data over TCP/IP to a trail on the target system, where it is stored until processed by one Replicat group.

illustrate as :

Source system

Configure the Extract group

On source system, use the ADD EXTRACT command to create an Extract group.

For example:


On the source, use the ADD RMTTRAIL command to specify a remote trail to be created on the target system

ADD RMTTRAIL <remote_trail>, EXTRACT ext

On the source, use the  EDIT PARAMS command to create a parameter file for the Extract group, include the following parameters plus any others that apply to your database environment.


--identify the extract group:


--Specify database login information as need for the database

[SOURCEDB <dsn_1>] [ ,USERID <user> [ , PASSWORD <pw> [<encryption options>]]

--Specify the name or IP address of the target system adn  optional encryption arcoss tcp/ip

RMTHOST <target>, MGRPORT <portnumber>, ENCRYPT <encryption options>

--Specify the remote trail and encryption options on the target system:

ENCRYPTTRAIL [<encrption options>]

RMTTRAIL <remote_trail>

--Specilfy tables to be captured:

TABLE  <owner>.<table>;

时间: 2024-10-11 07:17:18

ogg add extract process的相关文章

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OGG add Supplemental Logging 时失败,报错为 块损坏(Block Corruption) 来源于: Add Supplemental Logging Fails Due To Block Corruption (文档 ID 1468322.1) 适用于: Oracle Server - Enterprise Edition - Version to 12cBETA1 [Release 10.2 to 12.1] Information in this


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OGG的extract进程checkpoint时间点回到1988-01-01 00:00:00故障处理

1.故障现象 Extract进程(SEXTR01)状态为running,但是Lag at Chkpt却达到5个多小时,且时间一直在增长,根本就不抽取新日志,状态信息如下: GGSCI (calladgdb) 21> info all Program     Status      Group       Lag at Chkpt  Time Since Chkpt MANAGER     RUNNING EXTRACT     RUNNING     DPEYWGL     00:00:00  

ogg:Extract 进程遇长事务执行 Forcestop 引发的惨案

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Oracle里存储的结构化数据导出到Hadoop体系做离线计算是一种常见数据处置手段.近期有场景需要做Oracle到Hadoop体系的实时导入,这里以此案例做以介绍.Oracle作为商业化的数据库解决方案,自发性的获取数据库事务日志等比较困难,故选择官方提供的同步工具OGG(Oracle GoldenGate)来解决. 安装与基本配置 环境说明 软件配置 角色 数据存储服务及版本 OGG版本 IP 源服务器 OracleRelease11.2.0.1 Oracle GoldenGate 11.2

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OGG安装 fbo_ggs_Linux_x64_shiphome.zip---------------------同时支持11g和12c 添加用户 useradd -u 1003 -g oinstall -G dba ogg 配置环境变量 export ORACLE_BASE=/u01/app/oracle; export ORACLE_HOME=$ORACLE_BASE/product/11.2.0/db_1; export ORACLE_SID=racdb1; export OGG_HOME

ogg实现oracle到sql server 2005的同步

一.源端(oracle)配置1.创建同步测试表create table gg_user.t01(name varchar(20) primary key);create table gg_user.t02(id int primary key,name varchar(20));2.添加定义文件(是异构之间的传输,需要转换字段类型等处理需用到defgen工具生成定义文件)GGSCI (kermart) 4> edit params defgendefsfile D:\ggate\dirdef\t


开始初始化数据的时候要满足下面的条件: 1.disable掉目标段表的外键约束 2.disable掉目标端表的触发器 3.删除目标段表的索引,加快初始化速度 4.目标端表结构创建完成 源端配置初始化抽取进程 GGSCI (db11) 72> edit params IHREMD1 Extract IHREMD1 ------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Initial Load extract f


实验环境: 源端: Ip: DataBase:Oracle ORCL OS:OEL5.6 OGG:fbo_ggs_Linux_x86_ora11g_32bit 目标端: Ip: DataBase:  ORCL OS:OEL5.6 OGG:fbo_ggs_Linux_x86_ora11g_32bit 首先配置好两台机子上的环境变量,在其中增加以下内容并使之生效: export GGATE=$ORACLE