在配置Package的logging时,左边的Containers,Execute SQL Task前面灰色的“√”表示Execute SQL Task继承Test Log Package的日志记录的配置。Package内的Task,Container的属性LoggingMode有三种选项:UseParentSetting,Enable和Disable。
查看Execute SQL Task的Properties LoggingMode,使用UseParentSetting选项继承Package的日志记录配置。
Parent Logging Options
Frequently, the logging options of tasks and For Loop, Foreach Loop, and Sequence containers match those of the package or a parent container. In that case, you can configure them to inherit their logging options from their parent container. For example, in a For Loop container that includes an Execute SQL task, the Execute SQL task can use the logging options that are set on the For Loop container. To use the parent logging options, you set the LoggingMode property of the container to UseParentSetting. You can set this property in the Properties window of SQL Server Data Tools (SSDT) or through the Configure SSIS Logs dialog box in SSIS Designer.
示例,将Execute SQL Task的LoggingMode设置为Enable,单独配置组件记录的日志
Step1,Execute SQL Task前面有黑色的“√”,表示Execute SQL Task的LoggingMode设置Enable,打开右边的Providers andLogs选项,配置Logging Provider,下图选择使用SSIS Log Provoder For SQL Server,将日志记录到Sql Server的表中。
SSIS使用Step2中配置的Connection,创建一个System Table,表名是dbo.sysssislog