Rare Responsible(高度责任感)
- Self motivating
- Self aware
- Self disciplined
- Self improving
- Acts like a leader
- Doesn’t wait to be told what to do
- Never feels “that’s not my job”
- Picks up the trash lying on the floor
- Behaves like an owner
- You listen well, instead of reacting fast, so you can better understand
- You are concise(简明) and articulate(清晰) in speech and writing
- You treat people with respect independent of their status or disagreement with you(不管对方级别或者不同意你的观点,都应该给与尊重)
- You maintain calm poise in stressful situations(在有压力的或者激烈场合下,沟通保持沉着冷静)
- You make wise decisions(people, technical, business, and creative) despite ambiguity(尽管面对有二义性的场合,对人,对事,对技术都应该有自己的判断。尤其面对技术方案和需求能有自己的判断,做明智的决定)
- You identify root causes, and get beyond treating symptoms(找到根本原因,不要浮于表面现象。尤其在事故分析中,挖的更深,找到根本原因)
- You think strategically(战略性的思考), and can articulate(搞清楚) what you are, and are not, trying to do
- You smartly separate what must be done well now, and what can be improved later(对事情按照重要,紧急做划分)
- You seek what is best for MT, rather than best for yourself or your group
- You are ego-less(舍己) when searching for the best ideas
- You make time to help colleagues
- You share information openly and proactively
时间: 2024-10-06 17:22:18