20 Free Open Source Web Media Player Apps

free Media Players (Free MP3, Video, and Music Player ...) are cool because
they let web developers and bloggers embed MP3 Players/FLV Olayers and build
customized JukeBox on the websites. With these online Media players, you can add
a list of songs easily and embed the given Javascript code to your website. Most
of these players are customizable and you can have your won skin that suit the
web design.

1. Miro - Miro is an open source high definition (HD)
video player with unique, elegant, and seamless user interface that makes
watching internet tv and videos easier than ever.

2. Silverlight - will evolve and stay free
and that you are also allowed to modify at ease to your use or add it to the use
of all if you want to contribute to the project.


3. jcplayer- JC Player is a free to download, fully
customizable FLV video player for Flash CS3 and CS4.

4. ToobPlayer- ToobPlayer is a lightweight
(approx. 14-18 KB) FLV player component that comes in five flavors, provides a
mechanism to play back YouTube videos.

5. OSMF-
Open Source Media Framework (OSMF), that is developed by Adobe, is a software
framework for building feature-rich Flash video players and applications.

6. Kaltura- Kaltura, an advanced video publishing
platform, is sharing a free and open source HTML5 Video & Media JavaScript

7. OSM Player is a highly customizable and
open source HTML5 media player that is built with jQuery.

8. Projekktor - Projekktor is a JS wrapper for the new
HTML5 video and audio elements. It solves cross browser and compatibility
issues, adds some eye candy to the native.

9. Flowplayer- Embed video streams to your website.
Superior alternative to YouTube. Open Sourced under the GPL license. No other
software makes this smoother.

10. FREE Flash MP3 Player - free application that allows
you to play music on your website.

11. Flabellis presenting a beautiful &
free Flash Mp3 player that can display multiple artists & playlists.

12. FLVPlayer- FLV Player is an open source & free
resource to display FLV files on websites.

13. JW FLV Media Player is a complete solution for adding
video and audio to your website.

14. Jaris- Jaris is a highly customizable free flv player,
made on haxe – a multiplatform programming language, that can be embedded into
any website for free.

15. OIPlayer- OIPlayer is a jQuery plugin built as HTML5
Audio and Video Player that works fine in nearly every browsers with a fall back
support to Flash and Java.

16. Open Video Player Initiative is a
community project by companies like Adobe, Microsoft, Akamai & for sharing
player code and best practices around video player development and

17. PodSnack- PodSnack allows users to create free flash
mp3 audio players by uploading their mp3 files & then creating a

18. jPlayer- The CSS styleable jQuery audio
player plugin with HTML5 audio support!

19. Bumpbox- alternative lightbox with
support for pdf files, images, html, swf and flv files.

20. f4Playeris a free and open source Flash video player
that can play .fly, .f4v or .mp4 files in websites or within AS3 projects.

时间: 2024-11-10 15:51:44

20 Free Open Source Web Media Player Apps的相关文章

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