A push B present C push D present E怎么返回A

RT。A,B,C,D,E为五个控制器。A push B present C push D present E怎么返回A

1 [[UIApplication sharedApplication].keyWindow.rootViewController dismissViewControllerAnimated:NO completion:^{
2         [((UINavigationController *)[UIApplication sharedApplication].keyWindow.rootViewController) popToRootViewControllerAnimated:NO];
3     }];
时间: 2024-08-06 21:58:09

A push B present C push D present E怎么返回A的相关文章


1 /* 2 * 设计一个栈,除了pop与push方法,还支持Min方法,可返回栈元素中的最小值, 3 * push.pop.min三个方法的时间复杂度必须是O(1) 4 * 一种解法是在Stack类里添加一个Int型的minValue,当minValue出栈时,我们会搜索整个栈 5 * 找出最新的最小值,但是却不符合操作时间为O(1)的要求 6 * 如有: 7 * push(4)//最小值:4 8 * push(5)//最小值:4 9 * push(3)//最小值:3 10 * push(1)


1. 用UINavigationController的时候用pushViewController:animated ----返回之前的视图[[self navigationController] popViewControllerAnimated:YES]; ---ps:push以后会在navigation的left bar自动添加back按钮,它的响应方法就是返回.所以一般不需要写返回方法,点back按钮即可. 2. 其他时候用presentModalViewController:animat

git push origin与git push -u origin master的区别

$ git push origin 上面命令表示,将当前分支推送到origin主机的对应分支. 如果当前分支只有一个追踪分支,那么主机名都可以省略. $ git push 如果当前分支与多个主机存在追踪关系,那么这个时候-u选项会指定一个默认主机,这样后面就可以不加任何参数使用git push. $ git push -u origin master 上面命令将本地的master分支推送到origin主机,同时指定origin为默认主机,后面就可以不加任何参数使用git push了. 不带任何参

GIT用git push出现failed to push some refs to git...的解决方法

错误提示: [email protected] /K/cocos2d/yc (master) $ git push -u origin master To [email protected]:yangchao0718/cocos2d.git ! [rejected]        master -> master (non-fast-forward) error: failed to push some refs to '[email protected]:yangchao0718/cocos2

git push错误failed to push some refs to的解决方法

! [rejected] master -> master (non-fast-forward) error: failed to push some refs to '[email protected]:yangchao0718/cocos2d.githint: Updates were rejected because the tip of your current branch is behinhint: its remote counterpart. Integrate the remo

A push B 再push C C 再push D A是根视图控制器 怎么让D 直接pop回B

//连续pop2次 NSArray * viewControllers = self.navigationController.viewControllers; for (UIViewController * aViewController in viewControllers) { if ([aViewController isKindOfClass:[DoctorListViewController class]]) { [self.navigationController popToVie

Mobile Push Notification

In one embodiment, a method includes sending to a mobile client computing device a first notification through a real-time push service, the first notification including content and being associated with a stateful object; the method also includes, in


对于刚入行的小白,之前对于push和modal的理解简单地停留在push的时候用导航控制器,modal的时候既可以用导航控制器也可以用控制器本身的区别,比如各位大侠代码中常见的[self.navigationer  push...]和[self present....]以及 [self.navigationer  present...](原谅没在Xcode里面写的伪代码,相信聪明如你应该so easy!~~) 废话不多说,简单区分push也就是拿到本控制器的导航控制器通过push的方式“推”到下


对于刚入行的小白,之前对于push和modal的理解简单地停留在push的时候用导航控制器,modal的时候既可以用导航控制器也可以用控制器本身的区别,比如各位大侠代码中常见的[self.navigationer  push...]和[self present....]以及 [self.navigationer  present...](原谅没在Xcode里面写的伪代码,相信聪明如你应该so easy!~~) 废话不多说,简单区分push也就是拿到本控制器的导航控制器通过push的方式“推”到下