B-Icebound and Sequence(等比数列求和取模)

题目传送门:B-Icebound and Sequence(19年河北省赛)





求等比为k的等比数列之和S[n]..当n为偶数..S[n] = S[n/2] + pow(k,n/2) * S[n/2]

n为奇数...S[n] = S[n/2] + pow(k,n/2) * S[n/2] + pow(k,n)等比数列第n个数的值


using namespace std;
typedef long long ll;
ll n,q,p;
ll pow_m(ll a,ll b,ll m)
    ll res=1;
    return res;

ll solve(ll q,ll n,ll p)
    if(n==1)return q%p;
    if(n%2==0)return (1+pow_m(q,n/2,p))*solve(q,n/2,p)%p;
    else return ((1+pow_m(q,n/2,p))*solve(q,n/2,p)%p+pow_m(q,n,p))%p;
int main()
    int t;
    return 0;


时间: 2024-08-13 05:08:12

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