
The RANSAC algorithm is a learning technique to estimate parameters of a model by random sampling of observed data. Given a dataset whose data elements contain both inliers and outliers, RANSAC uses the voting scheme to find the optimal fitting result. Data elements in the dataset are used to vote for one or multiple models. The implementation of this voting scheme is based on two assumptions: that the noisy features will not vote consistently for any single model (few outliers) and there are enough features to agree on a good model (few missing data). The RANSAC algorithm is essentially composed of two steps that are iteratively repeated:

  1. In the first step, a sample subset containing minimal data items is randomly selected from the input dataset. A fitting model and the corresponding model parameters are computed using only the elements of this sample subset. The cardinality of the sample subset is the smallest sufficient to determine the model parameters.首先从输入数据中采集最小数据集,根据这个最小数据集计算相应的fitting模型参数。
  2. In the second step, the algorithm checks which elements of the entire dataset are consistent with the model instantiated by the estimated model parameters obtained from the first step. A data element will be considered as an outlier if it does not fit the fitting model instantiated by the set of estimated model parameters within some error threshold that defines the maximum deviation attributable to the effect of noise.接着,应用第一步中得到的模型参数,检查整个输入数据集,如果和模型不匹配则视为离群点。通过一定的容错阈值范围限制由于噪声引起的最大误差,

The set of inliers obtained for the fitting model is called consensus set.适用模型的群内点被称为一致集。

The RANSAC algorithm will iteratively repeat the above two steps until the obtained consensus set in certain iteration has enough inliers.算法将重复上面的2个步骤进行迭代,直到通过一定迭代得到的一致集包含足够多的群内点。

The input to the RANSAC algorithm is a set of observed data values, a way of fitting some kind of model to the observations, and some confidence parameters. RANSAC achieves its goal by repeating the following steps:

  1. Select a random subset of the original data. Call this subset the hypothetical inliers.
  2. A model is fitted to the set of hypothetical inliers.//计算模型参数
  3. All other data are then tested against the fitted model. Those points that fit the estimated model well, according to some model-specific loss function, are considered as part of the consensus set.
  4. The estimated model is reasonably good if sufficiently many points have been classified as part of the consensus set.
  5. Afterwards, the model may be improved by reestimating it using all members of the consensus set.

This procedure is repeated a fixed number of times, each time producing either a model which is rejected because too few points are part of the consensus set, or a refined model together with a corresponding consensus set size. In the latter case, we keep the refined model if its consensus set is larger than the previously saved model.


The values of parameters t and d have to be determined from specific requirements related to the application and the data set, possibly based on experimental evaluation. The parameter k (the number of iterations), however, can be determined from a theoretical result. Let p be the probability that the RANSAC algorithm in some iteration selects only inliers from the input data set when it chooses the n points from which the model parameters are estimated. When this happens, the resulting model is likely to be useful so p gives the probability that the algorithm produces a useful result. Let w be the probability of choosing an inlier each time a single point is selected, that is,

w = number of inliers in data / number of points in data

A common case is that w is not well known beforehand, but some rough value can be given. Assuming that the n points needed for estimating a model are selected independently,  is the probability that all n points are inliers and  is the probability that at least one of the n points is an outlier, a case which implies that a bad model will be estimated from this point set. That probability to the power of k is the probability that the algorithm never selects a set of n points which all are inliers and this must be the same as . Consequently,

which, after taking the logarithm of both sides, leads to

This result assumes that the n data points are selected independently, that is, a point which has been selected once is replaced and can be selected again in the same iteration. This is often not a reasonable approach and the derived value for k should be taken as an upper limit in the case that the points are selected without replacement. For example, in the case of finding a line which fits the data set illustrated in the above figure, the RANSAC algorithm typically chooses two points in each iteration and computes maybe_model as the line between the points and it is then critical that the two points are distinct.

To gain additional confidence, the standard deviation or multiples thereof can be added to k. The standard deviation of k is defined as

时间: 2024-10-12 22:30:43



SMOTE(Synthetic Minority Oversampling Technique),合成少数类过采样技术.它是基于随机过采样算法的一种改进方案,由于随机过采样采取简单复制样本的策略来增加少数类样本,这样容易产生模型过拟合的问题,即使得模型学习到的信息过于特别(Specific)而不够泛化(General),SMOTE算法的基本思想是对少数类样本进行分析并根据少数类样本人工合成新样本添加到数据集中,具体如下图所示,算法流程如下. (1)对于少数类中每一个样本x,以欧氏距离为标准计算它


辅助类 在几个经典排序算法学习部分,为方便统一测试不同算法,新建了一个辅助类,主要功能为:产生指定长度的随机数组,提供打印输出数组,交换两个元素等功能,代码如下: function ArraySortUtility(numOfElements) { this.dataArr = []; this.pos = 0; this.numOfElements = numOfElements; this.insert = insert; this.toString = toString; this.cle

分布式memcached学习(四)—— 一致性hash算法原理

    分布式一致性hash算法简介 当你看到"分布式一致性hash算法"这个词时,第一时间可能会问,什么是分布式,什么是一致性,hash又是什么.在分析分布式一致性hash算法原理之前,我们先来了解一下这几个概念. 分布式 分布式(distributed)是指在多台不同的服务器中部署不同的服务模块,通过远程调用协同工作,对外提供服务. 以一个航班订票系统为例,这个航班订票系统有航班预定.网上值机.旅客信息管理.订单管理.运价计算等服务模块.现在要以集中式(集群,cluster)和分布

分布式缓存技术memcached学习系列(四)—— 一致性hash算法原理

文章主目录 分布式一致性hash算法简介 分布式一致性hash算法使用背景 环形hash空间 映射key到环形hash空间 映射server节点到hash空间 映射key到server节点 添加server节点 删除server节点 虚拟节点的引入 节点变化数据分流的问题 一致性hash算法与取模算法的比较 参考文档 回到顶部 分布式一致性hash算法简介 当你看到“分布式一致性hash算法”这个词时,第一时间可能会问,什么是分布式,什么是一致性,hash又是什么.在分析分布式一致性hash算法


原文地址http://blog.csdn.net/caigen1988/article/details/7708806 consistent hashing 算法早在 1997 年就在论文Consistent hashing and random trees 中被提出,目前在 cache 系统中应用越来越广泛: 1 基本场景 比如你有 N 个 cache 服务器(后面简称 cache ),那么如何将一个对象 object 映射到 N 个 cache 上呢,你很可能会采用类似下面的通用方法计算 o


在前段时间做本科毕业设计的时候,遇到了各个类别的样本量分布不均的问题——某些类别的样本数量极多,而有些类别的样本数量极少,也就是所谓的类不平衡(class-imbalance)问题. 什么是类不平衡问题 类不平衡(class-imbalance)是指在训练分类器中所使用的训练集的类别分布不均.比如说一个二分类问题,1000个训练样本,比较理想的情况是正类.负类样本的数量相差不多:而如果正类样本有900个.负类样本仅100个,就意味着存在类不平衡. 在后文中,把样本数量过少的类别称为“少数类”.


写这篇博客是因为之前面试的一个问题: 如果memcached集群需要增加机器或者减少机器,那么其他机器上的数据怎么办? 最后了解到使用一致性hash算法可以解决,下面一起来学习下吧. 声明与致谢: 本文转载于朱双印博主的个人日志<白话解析:一致性哈希算法 consistent hashing>一文. 一. 引子 在了解一致性哈希算法之前,最好先了解一下缓存中的一个应用场景,了解了这个应用场景之后,再来理解一致性哈希算法,就容易多了,也更能体现出一致性哈希算法的优点,那么,我们先来描述一下这个经


一.分布式算法 在做服务器负载均衡时候可供选择的负载均衡的算法有很多,包括: 轮循算法(Round Robin).哈希算法(HASH).最少连接算法(Least Connection).响应速度算法(Response Time).加权法(Weighted )等.其中哈希算法是最为常用的算法. 典型的应用场景是: 有N台服务器提供缓存服务,需要对服务器进行负载均衡,将请求平均分发到每台服务器上,每台机器负责1/N的服务. 常用的算法是对hash结果取余数 (hash() mod N ):对机器编号


一致性Hash算法 关于一致性Hash算法,在我之前的博文中已经有多次提到了,MemCache超详细解读一文中"一致性Hash算法"部分,对于为什么要使用一致性Hash算法和一致性Hash算法的算法原理做了详细的解读. 算法的具体原理这里再次贴上: 先构造一个长度为232的整数环(这个环被称为一致性Hash环),根据节点名称的Hash值(其分布为[0, 232-1])将服务器节点放置在这个Hash环上,然后根据数据的Key值计算得到其Hash值(其分布也为[0, 232-1]),接着在