Microsoft Techdays Paris 2015

/* By Dylan SUN */

It’s the third year I’ve participated the Microsoft Techdays at Paris. There are always a lot of people who come from all over the France. And I’ve also heared people speaking english in one session I’ve participated today.

It’s always a good experience to find out there are so many peers working on Microsoft technologies. Since Microsoft are making its frameworks and libraries open source, there will surely be more people embracing Microsoft technologies.

I’ve attended the following sessions this year:

  • 2015 MS Techdays keynotes

  • Etat de lieux javascript
  • SQL server performance
  • Azure machine learning
  • Python machine learning
  • Cocos2d-x
  • Coding 4 fun

And I will write some articles to resume some of interesting presentations. :)

时间: 2024-12-15 11:45:22

Microsoft Techdays Paris 2015的相关文章

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