The master DMA arbitration control register (MDMAARBU) controls the priority levels of MDMA requests going out of CorePac. It controls the priority levels used by the L2 memory
controller when sending requests to XMC.
When sending requests external to CorePac, L2 memory controller picks one of two priority values to send to XMC. For normal-priority requests, it uses the value ofMDMAARBU.PRI.
For urgent-priority requests, it uses the value of MDMAARBU.UPRI. Most L2 memory controller requests to XMC are not urgent.
Only the following request types are urgent requests:
? L1D read miss(L1D读niss,当然要从L2中去取数据,比较紧急,否则程序没法运行)
? L1P fetch for a branch target
? Critical subline of an L2 allocate
TI_DSP_corePac_带宽管理 - 2(举例)