PHP ActiveRecord demo栗子中 关于类名 的问题

问题: ActiveRecord如何将单个类名与表名相关联?


1.下面这个Person Model类 会自动将这个类指向到 people表


class Person extends ActiveRecord\Model {}


例如 Post.php

class Post extends ActiveRecord\Model {}

  这个Post Model 类的 话 是自动解析 Post类 指向的是posts表

所以问题就来了 !!!

Answer: 到底作者用了什么方法 把Person类 解析为了 people 表 而不是 persons表?

Question :

Your ActiveRecord\Model-derived class has a reference to an ActiveRecord\Table.

When the Table gets initialized (once per model-class through some static function calls), it is told it‘s model‘s classname.




Through the model‘s class name it asks if that class has statically overridden the table name. If not, it uses the Inflector library with:


which is really just


which underscorifies the name (Inflector::underscorify()) 
converts it to lower case (strtolower())
then hands it off to


  In the Utils library, you will find the pluralize and singularize implementations, which basically have some predefined plurals for the uncountable items (stuff that doesn‘t get pluralized like sheep and deer), some standard irregular forms (like child > children), and then some cool pluralization rules ($plural and $singular) that it runs through the regex parser.


private static $irregular = array(
        ‘move‘   => ‘moves‘,
        ‘foot‘   => ‘feet‘,
        ‘goose‘  => ‘geese‘,
        ‘sex‘    => ‘sexes‘,
        ‘child‘  => ‘children‘,
        ‘man‘    => ‘men‘,
        ‘tooth‘  => ‘teeth‘,
        ‘person‘ => ‘people‘

  And remember you can override the defaults back in your model class with:

class MyModelClass extends ActiveRecord\Model {
  static $table_name = ‘whatever_it_is‘;


Thank you!

时间: 2024-08-27 11:59:33

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