1000. The Complex Class


using namespace std;

class Complex //复数类



Complex(double real = 0, double imag = 0);

Complex operator+(Complex& com);

Complex operator-(Complex& com);

Complex operator*(Complex& com);

Complex operator/(Complex& com);

double& operator[](int i);

double operator[](int i) const;

friend ostream& operator<<(ostream& os, Complex& com);//友元函数重载提取运算符"<<"

friend istream& operator>>(istream& is, Complex& com);//友元函数重载插入运算符">>"


double real;//实数

double imag;//虚数


Complex::Complex (double a, double b){
     real = a;
     imag = b;
 Complex Complex::operator+(Complex& com){
   Complex a;
   a.real = real + com.real;
   a.imag = imag + com.imag;
   return a;

Complex Complex::operator-(Complex& com){
   Complex a;
   a.real = real -com.real;
   a.imag = imag- com.imag;
   return a;

Complex Complex::operator*(Complex& com){
   Complex a;
   a.real = real * com.real - imag * com.imag;
   a.imag = imag * com.real + real * com.imag;
   return a;

Complex Complex::operator/(Complex& com){
   Complex a;
   a.real = (real * com.real + imag * com.imag)/(com.real*com.real + com.imag*com.imag);
   a.imag = (imag * com.real - real *com.imag)/(com.real*com.real + com.imag*com.imag);
   return a;

double& Complex::operator[](int i){
     if(i==0) return real;
     else if(i==1) return imag;

double Complex::operator[](int i) const{
     if(i==0) return real;
     else if(i==1) return imag;

ostream& operator<<(ostream& os, Complex& com){
        if(com.real !=0) cout<<com.real;
         if(com.imag==1) cout<<"+i";
         else if(com.imag==-1) cout<<"-i";
         else if(com.imag>0) cout<<"+"<<com.imag<<"i";
   else cout<<com.imag<<"i";
         if(com.imag==1) cout<<"i";
         else if(com.imag==-1) cout<<"-i";
         else if(com.imag>0) cout<<com.imag<<"i";
   else cout<<com.imag<<"i";
        if(com.imag==0&&com.real==0) cout<<0;
     return os;

istream& operator>>(istream& is, Complex& com){
  return is;

int main()


int T;

cin >> T;

while (T--) {

Complex com1, com2;

cin >> com1;

cout << com1 << endl;

cout << com1[0] << " " << com1[1] << endl;

cin >> com2;

cout << com2 << endl;

cout << com2[0] << " " << com2[1] << endl;

Complex c1 = com1 + com2;

cout << "(" << com1 << ")+(" << com2 << ")=" << c1 << endl;

Complex c2 = com1 - com2;

cout << "(" << com1 << ")-(" << com2 << ")=" << c2 << endl;

Complex c3 = com1 * com2;

cout << "(" << com1 << ")*(" << com2 << ")=" << c3 << endl;

Complex c4 = com1 / com2;

cout << "(" << com1 << ")/(" << com2 << ")=" << c4 << endl;


return 0;


时间: 2024-10-19 01:43:49

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