class JOIN

class JOIN :public Sql_alloc
  JOIN(const JOIN &rhs);                        /**< not implemented */
  JOIN& operator=(const JOIN &rhs);             /**< not implemented */
  JOIN_TAB *join_tab,**best_ref;
  JOIN_TAB **map2table;    ///< mapping between table indexes and JOIN_TABs
  JOIN_TAB *join_tab_save; ///< saved join_tab for subquery reexecution
  TABLE    **all_tables,*sort_by_table;
  uint       tables,const_tables;
  uint       send_group_parts;
    Indicates that grouping will be performed on the result set during
    query execution. This field belongs to query execution.

    @see make_group_fields, alloc_group_fields, JOIN::exec
  bool     sort_and_group;
  bool     first_record,full_join,group, no_field_update;
  bool       do_send_rows;
  table_map const_table_map,found_const_table_map;
     Bitmap of all inner tables from outer joins
  table_map outer_join;
  ha_rows  send_records,found_records,examined_rows,row_limit, select_limit;
    Used to fetch no more than given amount of rows per one
    fetch operation of server side cursor.
    The value is checked in end_send and end_send_group in fashion, similar
    to offset_limit_cnt:
      - fetch_limit= HA_POS_ERROR if there is no cursor.
      - when we open a cursor, we set fetch_limit to 0,
      - on each fetch iteration we add num_rows to fetch to fetch_limit
  ha_rows  fetch_limit;
  POSITION positions[MAX_TABLES+1],best_positions[MAX_TABLES+1];

  /* *
    Bitmap of nested joins embedding the position at the end of the current
    partial join (valid only during join optimizer run).
  nested_join_map cur_embedding_map;

  double   best_read;
  List<Item> *fields;
  List<Cached_item> group_fields, group_fields_cache;
  TABLE    *tmp_table;
  /// used to store 2 possible tmp table of SELECT
  TABLE    *exec_tmp_table1, *exec_tmp_table2;
  THD       *thd;
  Item_sum  **sum_funcs, ***sum_funcs_end;
  /** second copy of sumfuncs (for queries with 2 temporary tables */
  Item_sum  **sum_funcs2, ***sum_funcs_end2;
  Procedure *procedure;
  Item        *having;
  Item      *tmp_having; ///< To store having when processed temporary table
  Item      *having_history; ///< Store having for explain
  ulonglong  select_options;
  select_result *result;
  TMP_TABLE_PARAM tmp_table_param;
  MYSQL_LOCK *lock;
  /// unit structure (with global parameters) for this select
  /// select that processed
  SELECT_LEX *select_lex;
    TRUE <=> optimizer must not mark any table as a constant table.
    This is needed for subqueries in form "a IN (SELECT .. UNION SELECT ..):
    when we optimize the select that reads the results of the union from a
    temporary table, we must not mark the temp. table as constant because
    the number of rows in it may vary from one subquery execution to another.
  bool no_const_tables; 

    Copy of this JOIN to be used with temporary tables.

    tmp_join is used when the JOIN needs to be "reusable" (e.g. in a subquery
    that gets re-executed several times) and we know will use temporary tables
    for materialization. The materialization to a temporary table overwrites the
    JOIN structure to point to the temporary table after the materialization is
    done. This is where tmp_join is used : it‘s a copy of the JOIN before the
    materialization and is used in restoring before re-execution by overwriting
    the current JOIN structure with the saved copy.
    Because of this we should pay extra care of not freeing up helper structures
    that are referenced by the original contents of the JOIN. We can check for
    this by making sure the "current" join is not the temporary copy, e.g.
    !tmp_join || tmp_join != join

    We should free these sub-structures at JOIN::destroy() if the "current" join
    has a copy is not that copy.
  JOIN *tmp_join;
  ROLLUP rollup;                ///< Used with rollup

  bool select_distinct;                ///< Set if SELECT DISTINCT
    If we have the GROUP BY statement in the query,
    but the group_list was emptied by optimizer, this
    flag is TRUE.
    It happens when fields in the GROUP BY are from
    constant table
  bool group_optimized_away;

    simple_xxxxx is set if ORDER/GROUP BY doesn‘t include any references
    to other tables than the first non-constant table in the JOIN.
    It‘s also set if ORDER/GROUP BY is empty.
    Used for deciding for or against using a temporary table to compute
  bool simple_order, simple_group;
    Is set only in case if we have a GROUP BY clause
    and no ORDER BY after constant elimination of ‘order‘.
  bool no_order;
  /** Is set if we have a GROUP BY and we have ORDER BY on a constant. */
  bool          skip_sort_order;

  bool need_tmp, hidden_group_fields;
  Item::cond_result cond_value, having_value;
  List<Item> all_fields; ///< to store all fields that used in query
  ///Above list changed to use temporary table
  List<Item> tmp_all_fields1, tmp_all_fields2, tmp_all_fields3;
  ///Part, shared with list above, emulate following list
  List<Item> tmp_fields_list1, tmp_fields_list2, tmp_fields_list3;
  List<Item> &fields_list; ///< hold field list passed to mysql_select
  List<Item> procedure_fields_list;
  int error;

  ORDER *order, *group_list, *proc_param; //hold parameters of mysql_select
  COND *conds;                            // ---"---
  Item *conds_history;                    // store WHERE for explain
  TABLE_LIST *tables_list;           ///<hold ‘tables‘ parameter of mysql_select
  List<TABLE_LIST> *join_list;       ///< list of joined tables in reverse order
  COND_EQUAL *cond_equal;
  SQL_SELECT *select;                ///<created in optimisation phase
  JOIN_TAB *return_tab;              ///<used only for outer joins
  Item **ref_pointer_array; ///<used pointer reference for this select
  // Copy of above to be used with different lists
  Item **items0, **items1, **items2, **items3, **current_ref_pointer_array;
  uint ref_pointer_array_size; ///< size of above in bytes
  const char *zero_result_cause; ///< not 0 if exec must return zero result

  bool union_part; ///< this subselect is part of union
  bool optimized; ///< flag to avoid double optimization in EXPLAIN

    storage for caching buffers allocated during query execution.
    These buffers allocations need to be cached as the thread memory pool is
    cleared only at the end of the execution of the whole query and not caching
    allocations that occur in repetition at execution time will result in
    excessive memory usage.
    Note: make_simple_join always creates an execution plan that accesses
    a single table, thus it is sufficient to have a one-element array for
  SORT_FIELD *sortorder;                        // make_unireg_sortorder()
  TABLE *table_reexec[1];                       // make_simple_join()
  JOIN_TAB *join_tab_reexec;                    // make_simple_join()
  /* end of allocation caching storage */

  JOIN(THD *thd_arg, List<Item> &fields_arg, ulonglong select_options_arg,
       select_result *result_arg)
    init(thd_arg, fields_arg, select_options_arg, result_arg);

  void init(THD *thd_arg, List<Item> &fields_arg, ulonglong select_options_arg,
       select_result *result_arg)
    join_tab= join_tab_save= 0;
    all_tables= 0;
    tables= 0;
    const_tables= 0;
    join_list= 0;
    implicit_grouping= FALSE;
    sort_and_group= 0;
    first_record= 0;
    do_send_rows= 1;
    send_records= 0;
    found_records= 0;
    fetch_limit= HA_POS_ERROR;
    examined_rows= 0;
    exec_tmp_table1= 0;
    exec_tmp_table2= 0;
    sortorder= 0;
    table_reexec[0]= 0;
    join_tab_reexec= 0;
    thd= thd_arg;
    sum_funcs= sum_funcs2= 0;
    procedure= 0;
    having= tmp_having= having_history= 0;
    select_options= select_options_arg;
    result= result_arg;
    lock= thd_arg->lock;
    select_lex= 0; //for safety
    tmp_join= 0;
    select_distinct= test(select_options & SELECT_DISTINCT);
    no_order= 0;
    simple_order= 0;
    simple_group= 0;
    skip_sort_order= 0;
    need_tmp= 0;
    hidden_group_fields= 0; /*safety*/
    error= 0;
    select= 0;
    return_tab= 0;
    ref_pointer_array= items0= items1= items2= items3= 0;
    ref_pointer_array_size= 0;
    zero_result_cause= 0;
    optimized= 0;
    cond_equal= 0;
    group_optimized_away= 0;

    all_fields= fields_arg;
    if (&fields_list != &fields_arg)      /* Avoid valgrind-warning */
      fields_list= fields_arg;
    bzero((char*) &keyuse,sizeof(keyuse));
    tmp_table_param.end_write_records= HA_POS_ERROR;
    rollup.state= ROLLUP::STATE_NONE;

    no_const_tables= FALSE;

  int prepare(Item ***rref_pointer_array, TABLE_LIST *tables, uint wind_num,
          COND *conds, uint og_num, ORDER *order, ORDER *group,
          Item *having, ORDER *proc_param, SELECT_LEX *select,
          SELECT_LEX_UNIT *unit);
  int optimize();
  int reinit();
  void exec();
  int destroy();
  void restore_tmp();
  bool alloc_func_list();
  bool make_sum_func_list(List<Item> &all_fields, List<Item> &send_fields,
              bool before_group_by, bool recompute= FALSE);

  inline void set_items_ref_array(Item **ptr)
    memcpy((char*) ref_pointer_array, (char*) ptr, ref_pointer_array_size);
    current_ref_pointer_array= ptr;
  inline void init_items_ref_array()
    items0= ref_pointer_array + all_fields.elements;
    memcpy(items0, ref_pointer_array, ref_pointer_array_size);
    current_ref_pointer_array= items0;

  bool rollup_init();
  bool rollup_process_const_fields();
  bool rollup_make_fields(List<Item> &all_fields, List<Item> &fields,
              Item_sum ***func);
  int rollup_send_data(uint idx);
  int rollup_write_data(uint idx, TABLE *table);
  void remove_subq_pushed_predicates(Item **where);
    Release memory and, if possible, the open tables held by this execution
    plan (and nested plans). It‘s used to release some tables before
    the end of execution in order to increase concurrency and reduce
    memory consumption.
  void join_free();
  /** Cleanup this JOIN, possibly for reuse */
  void cleanup(bool full);
  void clear();
  bool save_join_tab();
  bool init_save_join_tab();
  bool send_row_on_empty_set()
    return (do_send_rows && tmp_table_param.sum_func_count != 0 &&
        !group_list && having_value != Item::COND_FALSE);
  bool change_result(select_result *result);
  bool is_top_level_join() const
    return (unit == &thd->lex->unit && (unit->fake_select_lex == 0 ||
                                        select_lex == unit->fake_select_lex));
  void cache_const_exprs();
    TRUE if the query contains an aggregate function but has no GROUP
    BY clause.
  bool implicit_grouping;
  bool make_simple_join(JOIN *join, TABLE *tmp_table);
  void cleanup_item_list(List<Item> &items) const;
时间: 2025-01-14 19:28:44

class JOIN的相关文章

Spark SQL 之 Join 实现

原文地址:Spark SQL 之 Join 实现 Spark SQL 之 Join 实现 涂小刚 2017-07-19 217标签: spark , 数据库 Join作为SQL中一个重要语法特性,几乎所有稍微复杂一点的数据分析场景都离不开Join,如今Spark SQL(Dataset/DataFrame)已经成为Spark应用程序开发的主流,作为开发者,我们有必要了解Join在Spark中是如何组织运行的. SparkSQL总体流程介绍 在阐述Join实现之前,我们首先简单介绍SparkSQL

Join 和 App

在关系型数据库系统中,为了满足第三范式(3NF),需要将满足"传递依赖"的表分离成单独的表,通过Join 子句将相关表进行连接,Join子句共有三种类型:外连接,内连接,交叉连接:外连接分为:left join.right join.full join:内链接是:inner join,交叉连接是:cross join. 一,Join子句的组成 Join子句由连接表,连接类型和On子句组成,伪代码如下: from Left_Table [inner|left|right|full] jo

mysql中left join中的on条件 和 where条件区别

需要知道sql中关键字的执行顺序. FROM-> ON->JOIN-> WHERE->GROUP BY-> HAVING->SELECT-> DISTINCT->ORDER BY->LIMIT on在join前边.join在where前边.知道这两点,那就好说了. 注意join中的on是对关联表起作用,不是对主表. 如果想过滤主表中的数据,要用where. 具体案例可以参照:

swift -- 定义空字符串 hasPrefix hasSuffix trim split join range

// 定义空的字符串 var str1 = "" var str2 = String() str1.isEmpty      // 判断字符串是否为空 // 输出字符串中所有的字符 var str3 = "As god name" for c in str3{ println(c) } Int.max   // Int类型的最大值 Int.min   // Int类型的最小值 var arr1 = ["c", "oc", &q


(1)sleep和yield都是Thread类的静态方法,都会使当前处于运行状态的线程放弃CPU,但两者的区别在于: sleep给其它线程运行的机会,但不考虑其它线程的优先级:但yield只会让位给相同或更高优先级的线程: 当线程执行了sleep方法后,将转到阻塞状态,而执行了yield方法之后,则转到就绪状态: sleep方法有可能抛出异常,而yield则没有: 在一般情况下,我们更建议使用sleep方法. (2)join方法用于等待其它线程结束,当前运行的线程可以调用另一线程的join方法,


例子:var array=[123,"gangqing",24]; array.join();   //表示将数组的元素组成一个字符串 ; 该字符串为"123,gagnqing,24" .作用跟array.toString()一样 array.join(".");   //表示用"."符号代替组成的字符串中的","符号 ; 该字符串为"123.gangqing.24"

hive join 优化 --小表join大表

1.小.大表 join 在小表和大表进行join时,将小表放在前边,效率会高,hive会将小表进行缓存. 2.mapjoin 使用mapjoin将小表放入内存,在map端和大表逐一匹配,从而省去reduce. 例子: select /*+MAPJOIN(b)*/ a.a1,a.a2,b.b2 from tablea a JOIN tableb b ON a.a1=b.b1 在0.7版本后,也可以用配置来自动优化 set;

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目录 1. 概述 2. from子句 3. where子句 4. select子句 5. group子句 6. into子句 7. 排序子句 8. let子句 9. join子句 10. 小结 1. 概述 LINQ的全称是Language Integrated Query,中文译成"语言集成查询".LINQ作为一种查询技术,首先要解决数据源的封装,大致使用了三大组件来实现这个封装,分别是LINQ to Object.LINQ to ADO.NET.LINQ to XML.它们和.NET

sqlzoo练习答案--The JOIN operation

game id mdate stadium team1 team2 1001 8 June 2012 National Stadium, Warsaw POL GRE 1002 8 June 2012 Stadion Miejski (Wroclaw) RUS CZE 1003 12 June 2012 Stadion Miejski (Wroclaw) GRE CZE 1004 12 June 2012 National Stadium, Warsaw POL RUS ... goal mat

SQL left join、right join和inner join的区别以及where的搭配使用

left join(左联接) 返回包括左表中的所有记录和右表中联结字段相等的记录  right join(右联接) 返回包括右表中的所有记录和左表中联结字段相等的记录 inner join(等值连接) 只返回两个表中联结字段相等的行 举例如下:  -------------------------------------------- 表A记录如下: aID aNum 1 a20050111 2 a20050112 3 a20050113 4 a20050114 5 a20050115 表B记录