1. how to install vmware tools in ubuntu

the beginning of the process is to setup the program and we do not to need to say more.
after you firstly established the ubuntu 16.04 in the vmware, we need to install vmware tools first.
the whole process is shown bellow

cd Desktop/vmware-tools-distrib
#to change the dictionary to the place you extract the files to

sudo ./vmware-install.pl -d
#to install the tools using the command the program indicates

there will be the choice to decide whether to install it. but you should tap in ‘yes‘ to continue, and the things behind is to follow the hint . After it, you can use the new functions to adjust the size of the screen of the ubuntu.

时间: 2024-08-01 10:43:43

1. how to install vmware tools in ubuntu的相关文章

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The original address Mware Tools is one of important components for virtual machine (VM) in order get excellent performance. It is a group of utilities that help to enhances the overall performance of the virtual machine’s guest operating system (OS)

Install VMware Tools in CentOS 7 command line mode

1.首先启动CentOS 7,在VMware中点击上方“VM”,点击“Install VMware Tools...”(如已安装则显示“Reinstall VMware Tools...”). 2.在命令行输入“ls /dev”查看. 3.输入“mkdir /mnt/cdrom”在/mnt目录下新建一个名为cdrom的文件夹. 4.输入“mount -t iso9660 /dev/cdrom /mnt/cdrom”将光盘挂载到/mnt/cdrom目录下. 5.输入“ls /mnt/cdrom/”

VMware Tools (ubuntu系统)安装详细过程与使用

前一段时间博主在VMware虚拟机上安装了Ubuntu系统,如果还没有安装的同学可以参考博主上一篇文章:VMware Ubuntu安装详细过程. 猿友们都知道linux不太好用,如果你想将你主机Windows上的文件或安装包放到虚拟机上,VMware Tools是必不可少的工具. 欢迎关注,相互学习讨论,后续还会有更多linux搭建java开发环境和框架相关博客. 下面小宝鸽附上VMware Tools安装的详细流程. 1.打开虚拟机VMware Workstation,启动Ubuntu系统,菜

Ubuntu下手动安装VMware Tools步骤

To mount the CD image and extract the contents: Power on the virtual machine. Log in to the virtual machine using an account with administrator or root privileges. Select: For Fusion: Virtual Machine > Install VMware Tools.For Workstation: VM > Inst

安装VMware Tools的步骤和那些坑

背景环境:VMware workstation 12.5+Ubuntu16.04 首先VMware Tools在ubuntu中是及其不稳定的,也就是说,当你点击菜单栏中的install vmware tools后,在CD中可能看不到相应的.tar.gz的包,当然也是有可能看到的. 下面的解决办法也就是在能看到.tar.gz的包的情况下的: 可以先把.tar.gz的包拷贝到Desktop中,然后打开终端,执行如下命令(最好在root权限下操作): 进入Desktop目录: cd Desktop 解

VMware Tools安装方法及解决无法全屏显示问题

环境:VMware8.0虚拟机        ubuntu:12.04 在刚安装完ubuntu后,屏幕不能全屏显示,此时: 1.安装VMware Tools 步骤: 1.1     进入ubuntu系统后,点击虚拟机上的[VM]->[install vmware tools],回到桌面回看到一个vmware tools的 cdrom图标. 1.2     双击打开,复制“VNwareTools-8.8.0-471268.tar.gz”到/home/liuqin/目录下.  用命令[tar -xz

ubuntu16下面按照vmware tools

1.默认下载ubuntu16的iso镜像后,自带的有vmtools.解压 tar -xzvf  VMwareTools-10.0.6-3595377.tar.gz 进入解压目录. 执行:sudo ./wmware-install.pl  然后就一直回车了. 按照正常的流程,reboot重启后应该就好了. 但是... 按照这个流程安装下来后,一般还是不能解决分辨率的问题.之后又google: mware 下 ubuntu 不能全屏显示 在 vmware 下 安装 ubuntu后,默认分辨率是 80

redhat安装VMware tools的方法

如果我们仔细看的话, 就会发现在VMware软件界面的左下角处显示着 "you don't have VMware Tools installed",即我们还没安装VMware Tools. VMware Tools有什么用呢? VMware Tools其实就是虚拟的显卡的驱动程序, 安装以后,虚拟系统屏幕的显示效果会更好, 除此之外,我在网上还发现有人说, 安装以后,鼠标就可以在主.客系统之间自如地移动, 而不需ctrl+alt组合键来切换(这确实有点麻烦). 接下来就简单介绍一下怎

RedHat虚拟机:Vmware Tools的安装

如果我们仔细看的话,                  就会发现在VMware软件界面的左下角处显示着                  “you don't have VMware Tools installed”,即我们还没安装VMware Tools.                  VMware Tools有什么用呢?                  VMware Tools其实就是虚拟的显卡的驱动程序,                  安装以后,虚拟系统屏幕的显示效果会更好,