Do you really know what means initialization? “初始化 定义 赋值” 之间的联系与区别

“初始化 定义 赋值” 之间的联系与区别


#include <stdio.h>

struct _ANIBMP

        int FirstNumber;
        int Count;


ANIBMP Swallow = {4,5};
ANIBMP Dove = {4,3};
ANIBMP Peacock = { 14, 5};
ANIBMP Eagle = { 19, 5};
ANIBMP Rabbit = { 24, 5};
ANIBMP Monkey = { 29, 5};
ANIBMP Panda = { 34, 5};
ANIBMP Lion = { 39, 5};
ANIBMP GoldShark = { 44, 4};
ANIBMP SilverShark = { 48, 4};

ANIBMP ShowAnimal = Swallow;

int main(void)

        printf("%d   %d\n", Swallow.FirstNumber, Swallow.Count);
        printf("%d   %d\n", ShowAnimal.FirstNumber, ShowAnimal.Count);

        return 0;


gcc 给出的报错是这样的:

[email protected]:~/Desktop$ cc ./test.c

./test.c:24:1: error: initializer element is not constant


先别急,一开始我也晕了,我记得结构体是可以直接赋值的。我自己测试了一下别的代码。没错。于是我把代码稍微调整一下,把Showanimal = Swallow放在main里面了。


#include <stdio.h>

typedef struct _ANIBMP

        int FirstNumber;
        int Count;


ANIBMP Swallow = {4,5};
ANIBMP Dove = {4,3};
ANIBMP Peacock = { 14, 5};
ANIBMP Eagle = { 19, 5};
ANIBMP Rabbit = { 24, 5};
ANIBMP Monkey = { 29, 5};
ANIBMP Panda = { 34, 5};
ANIBMP Lion = { 39, 5};
ANIBMP GoldShark = { 44, 4};
ANIBMP SilverShark = { 48, 4};

//ANIBMP ShowAnimal = Swallow;

int main(void)

        ANIBMP ShowAnimal = Swallow;

        printf("%d   %d\n", Swallow.FirstNumber, Swallow.Count);
        printf("%d   %d\n", ShowAnimal.FirstNumber, ShowAnimal.Count);

        return 0;

风平浪静 。。。。0 错误 0 警告




C family of languages


In C/C99/C++, an initializer is an optional part of a declarator.  It consists of the ‘=‘ character followed by an expression or a comma-separated list of expressions placed in curly brackets (braces). The latter list is sometimes called the "initializer
list"  or  "initialization list",although the term "initializer list" is formally reserved for initialization of class/struct members in C++, see below. A declaration which includes initialization is commonly called definition.

Many find it convenient to draw a distinction between the terms "declaration" and"definition", as in the commonly seen phrase "the distinction between a declaration and definition...", implying that a declaration merely designates a data object (or
function). In fact, according to the C++ standard a definition is a declaration.Still, the usage "declarations and definitions", although formally incorrect, is common



全局变量的初始化,必须是 变量 = const 常量;


#include <stdio.h>

int a = 1;

int b = a;

int main(void)
        int c = 10;

        int d = c;

        return 0;

[email protected]:~/Desktop$ cc ./test.c

./test.c:5:1: error: initializer element is not constant


全局变量的初始化,必须是 变量 = const 常量;


赋值嘛,还是很简单的,= 有这个东东的就是赋值。它叫做assignment operator


#include <stdio.h>

int a = 1;

int b = 2;

a = 10;

b = a;

int main(void)
        int c = 5;

        int d = 6;

        d = c;

        d = 100;

        return 0;

[email protected]:~/Desktop$ cc ./test.c

./test.c:7:1: warning: data definition has no type or storage class [enabled by default]

./test.c:7:1: error: redefinition of ‘a’

./test.c:3:5: note: previous definition of ‘a’ was here

./test.c:9:1: warning: data definition has no type or storage class [enabled by default]

./test.c:9:1: error: redefinition of ‘b’

./test.c:5:5: note: previous definition of ‘b’ was here

./test.c:9:1: error: initializer element is not constant



局部变量定义一次,之后可以随意赋值 ,局部变量的第一次赋值,也可以叫做局部变量的初始化



Do you really know what means initialization? “初始化 定义 赋值” 之间的联系与区别,码迷,

时间: 2024-08-01 00:05:30

Do you really know what means initialization? “初始化 定义 赋值” 之间的联系与区别的相关文章


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动态申请 二维数组 以及初始化、 赋值

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1.首先定义结构体数组: typedef struct BleAndTspRmtCmd{ char terminal[3]; char note[3]; char rmtCmd[10]; char cmdPropt[24];}; BleAndTspRmtCmd为结构体名,可以通过这个结构体名定义其他结构体变量,struct BleAndTspRmtCmd variable: 或者定义结构体数组变量,struct BleAndTspRmtCmd variable[]: 2.或者定义全局结构体变量,


1.初始化和赋值的区别 初始化的含义是创建变量时赋予其一个初始值. 赋值是把对象的当前值擦除,用新值代替. 2.extern关键字的作用 C++的分离式编译机制可以让程序分为多个文件独立编译,如果要在多个文件中使用同一个变量,如果重复定义将发生程序错误,需要使用extern关键字来声明在另一个文件中已经定义过的变量.(如果为extern关键字声明的变量赋初值将抵消掉extern的作用,函数体内这样做将引发错误) 1 int a=0: //定义 2 3 extern int a: //声明 4 5


默认构造函数(就是没有参数的构造函数) The Default ConstructorThe default constructor is the constructor used to create an object when you don't provide explicit initialization values. That is, it's the constructor used for declarations like this: Stock stock1;  // use


#define _CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdio.h> //一级指针的典型用法 //数组 int a[10] //字符串 //1 C语言的字符串 以零结尾的字符串 //2 在C语言中没有字符串类型 通过字符数组 来模拟字符串 //3 字符串的内存分配 堆上 栈上 全局区 (很重要) //字符数组 初始化 void main51() { //1 指