打开SQL,提示“SQL Prompt has been disabled due to an error with the registration of a required DLL - TextMgrP.dll. To resolve the error, repair SQL Server Management Studio or Visual Studio from the Windows Control Panel.”


重新注册TextMgrP.dll 此动态库

开始->运行->regsvr32 "C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\microsoft shared\MSEnv\TextMgrP.dll"


时间: 2024-11-09 17:39:46

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[Oracle][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]对象名 'RECOVER.HS_TRANSACTION_LOG' 无效(转)

原帖由 qingyun 于 2010-6-21 15:44 发表 在写pl/sql的时候,有个很重要的注意点:比如:begin  update  某个sqlserver的表@dblink名字 .....;  update 某个oracle的表...;end; 这段pl/sql执行会报错:错误信息是:-----------------------------------------------------------------执行失败:ORA-02054: 事务处理 2.12.27634 有问题

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