Using Supervisor with Docker

Using Supervisor with Docker

Note: - If you don‘t like sudo then see Giving
non-root access

Traditionally a Docker container runs a single process when it is launched, for example an Apache daemon or a SSH server daemon. Often though you want to run more than one process in a container. There are a number of ways you can achieve this ranging from
using a simple Bash script as the value of your container‘s CMD instruction
to installing a process management tool

docker 容器在启动的时候开启单个进程,比如,一个ssh或则apache 的daemon服务。但我们经常需要在一个机器上开启多个服务,这可以有很多方法,最简单的就是把多个启动命令方到一个启动脚本里面,启动的时候直接启动这个脚本,另外就是安装进程管理工具。.

In this example we‘re going to make use of the process management tool, Supervisor, to manage multiple processes in our container. Using Supervisor allows us
to better control, manage, and restart the processes we want to run. To demonstrate this we‘re going to install and manage both an SSH daemon and an Apache daemon.


Creating a Dockerfile


Let‘s start by creating a basic Dockerfile for
our new image.


FROM ubuntu:13.04
MAINTAINER [email protected].com
RUN echo "deb precise main universe" > /etc/apt/sources.list
RUN apt-get update
RUN apt-get upgrade -y

Installing Supervisor


We can now install our SSH and Apache daemons as well as Supervisor in our container.

安装  ssh apache supervisor

RUN apt-get install -y openssh-server apache2 supervisor
RUN mkdir -p /var/run/sshd
RUN mkdir -p /var/log/supervisor

Here we‘re installing the openssh-serverapache2 and supervisor (which
provides the Supervisor daemon) packages. We‘re also creating two new directories that are needed to run our SSH daemon and Supervisor.


Adding Supervisor‘s configuration file


Now let‘s add a configuration file for Supervisor. The default file is called supervisord.conf and
is located in /etc/supervisor/conf.d/.


COPY supervisord.conf /etc/supervisor/conf.d/supervisord.conf

Let‘s see what is inside our supervisord.conf file.



command=/usr/sbin/sshd -D

command=/bin/bash -c "source /etc/apache2/envvars && exec /usr/sbin/apache2 -DFOREGROUND"

The supervisord.conf configuration
file contains directives that configure Supervisor and the processes it manages. The first block [supervisord] provides
configuration for Supervisor itself. We‘re using one directive, nodaemon which
tells Supervisor to run interactively rather than daemonize.


The next two blocks manage the services we wish to control. Each block controls a separate process. The blocks contain a single directive, command,
which specifies what command to run to start each process.


Exposing ports and running Supervisor


Now let‘s finish our Dockerfile by
exposing some required ports and specifying the CMD instruction
to start Supervisor when our container launches.


EXPOSE 22 80
CMD ["/usr/bin/supervisord"]

Here We‘ve exposed ports 22 and 80 on the container and we‘re running the /usr/bin/supervisordbinary
when the container launches.

这里我们映射了22 和80端口,使用supervisord的可执行路径启动服务。

Building our image


We can now build our new image.

$ sudo docker build -t <yourname>/supervisord .

Running our Supervisor container


Once We‘ve got a built image we can launch a container from it.


$ sudo docker run -p 22 -p 80 -t -i <yourname>/supervisord
2013-11-25 18:53:22,312 CRIT Supervisor running as root (no user in config file)
2013-11-25 18:53:22,312 WARN Included extra file "/etc/supervisor/conf.d/supervisord.conf" during parsing
2013-11-25 18:53:22,342 INFO supervisord started with pid 1
2013-11-25 18:53:23,346 INFO spawned: ‘sshd‘ with pid 6
2013-11-25 18:53:23,349 INFO spawned: ‘apache2‘ with pid 7
. . .

We‘ve launched a new container interactively using the docker
 command. That container has run Supervisor and launched the SSH and Apache daemons with it. We‘ve specified the -p flag
to expose ports 22 and 80. From here we can now identify the exposed ports and connect to one or both of the SSH and Apache daemons.

使用docker run来启动我们创建的容器。使用多个-p 来映射多个端口,这样我们就能同时访问ssh和apache服务了。

Using Supervisor with Docker

时间: 2024-10-26 03:06:05

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背景: 之前在容器中启动多个程序时,将启动命令写到一个脚本中,然后执行脚本,又因为执行脚本后,就退出了,没有启动1号进程(容器启动时需要保持Docker容器的1号进程始终运行,否则启动不成功),容器始终启动不起来,后来发现如果想运行多个程序的话,可以通过supervisord来操作,很容易实现. Supervisor说明: Supervisor是由python语言编写,基于linux操作系统的一款服务器管理工具,用以监控服务器的运行,发现问题能立即自动预警及自动重启等功能. Supervisor


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Docker Supervisor

Docker 容器在启动的时候开启单个进程,比如,一个 ssh 或者 apache 的 daemon 服务.但我们经常需要在一个机器上开启多个服务,这可以有很多方法,最简单的就是把多个启动命令放到一个启动脚本里面,启动的时候直接启动这个脚本. 例如:docker  run  –d  镜像  / 另外就是安装进程管理工具. 本次将使用进程管理工具 supervisor 来管理容器中的多个进程.使用 Supervisor 可以更好的控制.管理.重启我们希望运行的进程. Superviso

docker supervisor管理进程

一.使用supervisor来管理 supervisor:进程管理工具,基于C/S架构.(其提供web接口给用户查询和 控制),它允许用户去监控和控制在类unix系统的进程. 使用supervisor可以更好的控制.管理.重启我们希望运行的进程. 在这演示一下如何同时使用ssh和 apache 服务.(通过docker buid生成新镜像) 配置 1.首先创建一个dockerfile目录 dockerfile文件内容 supervisor配置文件内容 第一段supervsord配置软件本身,使用


Supervisor工具实现自动化docker服务运行 一.使用 Supervisor 来管理进程 Docker 容器在启动的时候开启单个进程,比如,一个 ssh 或者 apache 的 daemon 服务.但我们经常需要在一个机器上开启多个服务,这可以有很多方法,最简单的就是把多个启动命令放到一个启动脚本里面,启动的时候直接启动这个脚本. 例如:docker  run  –d  镜像  / 另外就是安装进程管理工具. 本节将使用进程管理工具 supervisor 来管理容器中的多个