Entity Framework Code-First(23):Entity Framework Power Tools

Entity Framework Power Tools:

Entity Framework Power Tools (currently in beta 3) has been released. EF Power Tools is useful mainly in reverse engineering and generating read-only entity data model for code-first.

Download and install Power Tools from Visualstudiogallery

After installing it, when you right click on the C# project, you can see the "Entity Framework" option in the context menu.

When right-clicking on a C# project, the following context menu functions are supported:

  • Reverse Engineer Code-First - Generates POCO classes, derived DbContext and Code-First mapping for an existing database.
  • Customize Reverse Engineer Templates - Adds the default reverse engineer T4 templates to your project for editing.

When right-clicking on a file containing a derived DbContext class, the following context menu functions are supported:

  • View Entity Data Model (Read-only) - Displays a read-only view of the Code-First model in the Entity Model Designer.
  • View Entity Data Model XML - Displays the EDMX XML representing the underlying Code-First model.
  • View Entity Data Model DDL SQL - Displays the DDL SQL corresponding to the SSDL in the underlying EDM Model.
  • Generate Views - Generates pre-compiled views used by the EF runtime to improve start-up performance. Adds the generated views file to the containing project.

When right-clicking on an Entity Data Model (*.edmx) file, the following context menu function is supported:

  • Generate Views - Generates pre-compiled views used by the EF runtime to improve start-up performance. Adds the generated views file to the containing project.

Visit MSDN for a step-by-step demonstration of the tasks that you can accomplish with the EF Power Tools.

时间: 2024-12-19 17:29:55

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------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 注意:以下所讨论的功能或 API 等只针对 Entity Framework 6 ,如果你使用早期版本,可能部分或全部功能不起作用! --------------------------------------------------------------------------

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参考页面: http://www.yuanjiaocheng.net/entity/Persistence-in-EF.html http://www.yuanjiaocheng.net/entity/crud-in-connected.html http://www.yuanjiaocheng.net/entity/crud-in-Disconnected.html http://www.yuanjiaocheng.net/entity/add-entity-in-disconnected.h