Receiver type 'XXX' for instance message is a forward declaration



#import "RDVTabBarItem.h"


Receiver type 'XXX' for instance message is a forward declaration

时间: 2024-12-15 15:53:14

Receiver type 'XXX' for instance message is a forward declaration的相关文章

Receiver type ‘X’ for instance message is a forward declaration

本文出自: 实验环境:Myeclipse10 + tomcat7.0 有时间会写windows和linux下的tomcat配置,现在时间有限,暂且不写了..有些东西也是没有理解透彻. <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN"> <%@ page language="java" contentType="

Receiver type for instance message is a forward

本文转载至 这往往是引用的问题.ARC要求完整的前向引用,也就是说在MRC时代可能只需要在.h中申明@class就可以,但是在ARC中如果调用某个子类中未覆盖的父类中的方法的话,必须对父类.h引用,否则无法编译. 有一篇文章讲的很详细 本文部分实例取自iOS 5 Toturail一书中关于ARC的教程和公开内容,仅用于技术交流和讨论.请不要将本文的

Receiver &#39;NSManagedObjectContext&#39; for class message is a forward declaration 错误的解决方案

All the CoreData header files are imported in App_Prefix.pch, so the CoreData classes will be available throughout your Project, so you don't have to manually import the header in the files you need them. So open up Xcode and look for some file like 

Local declaration of &#39;XXX&#39; hides instance variable

Local declaration of 'XXX' hides instance variable Local declaration of 'XXX' hides instance variable 遇到这种原因,是因为本地变量跟函数参数变量同名.要注意变量的命名! Local declaration of 'XXX' hides instance variable

C#:Could not load type &#39;XXX.Global&#39;

 今天,在从现网代码,转为本地调试的时候,在web.config改过接口之后,忽然发现接口页面弹出这种未加载错误: c#,未能加载类型 Could not load type 'XXX.Global' 很是纳闷,不解,项目没有包含接口么,不对啊,已经包含进去啦,点击http://localhost:5320/端口,同样此错误,很是不解. 然后在网上找了找,发现大部分解决都是删除global文件,然后重新加载.也有的Rebuld成功的. 我这个地方是rebuld不成功,global文件删除倒是

The type XXX cannot be resolved. It is indirectly referenced from required .class files错误.....

遇到The type XXX cannot be resolved. It is indirectly referenced from required .class files错误.....,查找的解决办法如下: 一: 错误提示: It is indirectly referenced from required .class file 错误的解决 原因:你导入得jar依赖另一个jar 解决方法:导入缺失的包

The type xxx cannot be resolved. It is indirectly referenced from required .class files

项目A中引入一个jar包B,在项目A中调用项目B,出现如下错误提示: 大致意思是:这上面所需的包是间接引用的,即A项目调用B项目,B项目又引用了另外一个包C,而这个包现在不在你的A项目的引用中. 所以你需要做的就是把jar包C引入至项目A中. The type xxx cannot be resolved. It is indirectly referenced from required .class files

spring注入时报错::No qualifying bean of type &#39;xxx.xxMapper&#39;

做一个小项目,因为有 baseService,所以偷懒就没有写单独的每个xxService接口,直接写的xxServiceImpl,结果在service实现类中注入Mapper的时候,用的 @Autowired, 结果,junit一启动,就报错误:Java.lang.illegalStateException:Failed to load ApplicationContext 具体是在 创建bean的时候报:No qualifying bean of type 'xxx.xxMapper' ab

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