我需要针对Ceph的对象存储直接进行编程访问,看看用网关和不用网关下的性能差别。基于gate-way进行访问例子已经走通。现在 要测的是不走网关,用librados直接和Ceph集群打交道。
1. Ceph集群:你要有一个已经配置好的Ceph集群,通过ceph -s可以看到集群的状态。
2. 开发库安装 我的系统是CentOS6.5 采用如下命令安装相关开发包(C/C++开发包)
sudo yum install librados2-devel
#include <rados/librados.hpp> #include <string> #include <list> int main(int argc, const char **argv) { int ret = 0 ; // Get cluster handle and connect to cluster std::cout<<"ceph Cluster connect begin."<<std::endl; std::string cluster_name("ceph"); std::string user_name("client.admin"); librados::Rados cluster ; ret = cluster.init2(user_name.c_str(), cluster_name.c_str(), 0); if (ret < 0) { std::cerr << "Couldn‘t initialize the cluster handle! error " << ret << std::endl; ret = EXIT_FAILURE; return 1; } else { std::cout << "Created a cluster handle." << std::endl; } ret = cluster.conf_read_file("/etc/ceph/ceph.conf"); if (ret < 0) { std::cerr << "Couldn‘t read the Ceph configuration file! error " << ret << std::endl; ret = EXIT_FAILURE; return 1; } else { std::cout << "Read the Ceph configuration file Succeed." << std::endl; } ret = cluster.connect(); if (ret < 0) { std::cerr << "Couldn‘t connect to cluster! error " << ret << std::endl; ret = EXIT_FAILURE; return 1; }else{ std::cout << "Connected to the cluster." << std::endl; } std::cout<<"ceph Cluster connect end."<<std::endl; // IO context poolname pool-1 std::cout<<"ceph Cluster create io context for pool begin."<<std::endl; librados::IoCtx io_ctx ; std::string pool_name("pool-1"); ret = cluster.ioctx_create(pool_name.c_str(), io_ctx); if (ret < 0) { std::cerr << "Couldn‘t set up ioctx! error " << ret << std::endl; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } else { std::cout << "Created an ioctx for the pool." << std::endl; } std::cout<<"ceph Cluster create io context for pool end."<<std::endl; // Write an object synchronously std::cout<<"Write an object synchronously begin."<<std::endl; librados::bufferlist bl; std::string objectId("hw"); std::string objectContent("Hello World!"); bl.append(objectContent); ret = io_ctx.write_full("hw", bl); if (ret < 0) { std::cerr << "Couldn‘t write object! error " << ret << std::endl; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } else { std::cout << "Wrote new object ‘hw‘ " << std::endl; } std::cout<<"Write an object synchronously end."<<std::endl; // Add an xattr to the object. librados::bufferlist lang_bl; lang_bl.append("en_US"); io_ctx.setxattr(objectId, "lang", lang_bl); // Read the object back asynchronously librados::bufferlist read_buf; int read_len = 4194304; //Create I/O Completion. librados::AioCompletion *read_completion = librados::Rados::aio_create_completion(); //Send read request. io_ctx.aio_read(objectId, read_completion, &read_buf, read_len, 0 ); // Wait for the request to complete, and print content read_completion->wait_for_complete(); read_completion->get_return_value(); std::cout<< "Object name: " << objectId << "\n" << "Content: " << read_buf.c_str() << std::endl ; // Read the xattr. librados::bufferlist lang_res; io_ctx.getxattr(objectId, "lang", lang_res); std::cout<< "Object xattr: " << lang_res.c_str() << std::endl ; // Print the list of pools std::list<std::string> pools ; cluster.pool_list(pools ); std::cout << "List of pools from this cluster handle" << std::endl ; for (std::list<std::string>::iterator i = pools.begin(); i != pools.end(); ++i) std::cout << *i << std::endl; // Print the list of objects librados::ObjectIterator oit=io_ctx.objects_begin(); librados::ObjectIterator oet=io_ctx.objects_end(); std::cout<< "List of objects from this pool" << std::endl ; for(; oit!= oet; oit++ ) { std::cout << "\t" << oit->first << std::endl ; } // Remove the xattr io_ctx.rmxattr(objectId, "lang"); // Remove the object. io_ctx.remove(objectId); // Cleanup io_ctx.close(); cluster.shutdown(); return 0 ; }
g++ -g -c cephclient.cxx -o cephclient.o g++ -g cephclient.o -lrados -o cephclient
[[email protected]_wenzhou-16-34 ceph-rados]# ./cephclient ceph Cluster connect begin. Created a cluster handle. Read the Ceph configuration file Succeed. Connected to the cluster. ceph Cluster connect end. ceph Cluster create io context for pool begin. Created an ioctx for the pool. ceph Cluster create io context for pool end. Write an object synchronously begin. Wrote new object ‘hw‘ Write an object synchronously end. Object name: hw Content: Hello World! Object xattr: en_US List of pools from this cluster handle rbd pool-1 pool-2 .rgw .rgw.root .rgw.control .rgw.gc .rgw.buckets .rgw.buckets.index .log .intent-log .usage .users .users.email .users.swift .users.uid List of objects from this pool rb.0.d402.238e1f29.00000000ee00 rb.0.d402.238e1f29.000000015000 rb.0.d402.238e1f29.00000000fa2f rb.0.d402.238e1f29.00000001ac00 rb.0.d402.238e1f29.000000012000
1. 集群句柄创建
2. 集群连接
3. IO上下文环境初始化
4. 对象读写
5. IO上下文环境关闭
6. 集群句柄关闭
PS: 测试数据待补充。
时间: 2024-10-20 04:29:53