[Redux] Reducer Composition with combineReducers()

Previous, we do composition with objects:

const todoApp = (state = {}, action) => {
  return {
    todos: todos(
    visibilityFilter: visibilityFilter(

Since it is common options in Redux,  there is a function call ‘combineReducers‘:

const {combineReducers} = Redux;
   todos,   //ES6 shortcut syntax
时间: 2025-01-02 15:15:46

[Redux] Reducer Composition with combineReducers()的相关文章

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一.预备知识 node, npm, react, redux, es6, webpack 二.学习资源 ECMAScript 6入门 React和Redux的连接react-redux Redux 入门教程   redux middleware 详解   Redux研究 React 入门实例教程 webpack学习demo NPM 使用介绍 三.工程搭建 之前有写过 webpack+react+es6开发模式 ,文章里介绍了一些简单的配置,欢迎访问. 1.可以npm init, 创建一个新的工程


一.预备知识 node, npm, react, redux, es6, webpack 二.学习资源 ECMAScript 6入门 React和Redux的连接react-redux Redux 入门教程   redux middleware 详解   Redux研究 React 入门实例教程 webpack学习demo NPM 使用介绍 三.工程搭建 之前有写过 webpack+react+es6开发模式 ,文章里介绍了一些简单的配置,欢迎访问. 1.可以npm init, 创建一个新的工程

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