[LeetCode] Palindrome Partition [11]


Given a string s, partition s such that every substring of the partition is a palindrome.

Return all possible palindrome partitioning of s.

For example, given s = "aab",














class Solution {
    vector<vector<string> > partition(string s) {
        vector<vector<string> > ret;
        vector<string> part;
        helper(0, s, part, ret);
        return ret;

    void helper(int start, const string &s, vector<string> part, vector<vector<string> > &ret){
        int n = s.size();
        if(start == n){
            return ;
        for(int i=start; i<n; ++i){
            string temp = s.substr(start, i-start+1);
            if( !validPalindrome(temp)) continue;
            helper(i+1, s, part, ret);

    bool validPalindrome(string s){
        int begin = 0, end = s.size()-1;
            if(s[begin] != s[end]) return false;
            ++begin, --end;
        return true;



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[LeetCode] Palindrome Partition [11],布布扣,bubuko.com

时间: 2024-08-04 22:17:23

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