lua lfs

iter, dir_obj = lfs.dir (path)

Lua iterator over the entries of a given directory. Each time the iterator is called with dir_obj it returns a directory entry‘s name as a string, or nil if there are no more entries. You can also iterate by calling dir_obj:next(), and explicitly close the directory before the iteration finished with dir_obj:close(). Raises an error if path is not a directory.

lfs.attributes(属性) (filepath [, aname])

Returns a table with the file attributes corresponding to filepath (or nil followed by an error message in case of error). If the second optional(可选择的) argument is given, then only the value of the named attribute is returned (this use is equivalent(等价的) to lfs.attributes(filepath).aname, but the table is not created and only one attribute is retrieved(检索)from the O.S.). The attributes are described as follows; attribute mode is a string, all the others are numbers, and the time related attributes use the same time reference(参考) ofos.time:

on Unix systems, this represents the device(装置) that the inode resides(住) on. On Windows systems, represents the drive number of the disk containing the file
on Unix systems, this represents the inode number. On Windows systems this has no meaning
string representing the associated(关联的) protection mode (the values could be filedirectorylinksocketnamed pipechar deviceblock device or other)
number of hard links to the file
user-id of owner (Unix only, always 0 on Windows)
group-id of owner (Unix only, always 0 on Windows)
on Unix systems, represents the device(装置) type, for special file inodes. On Windows systems represents the same as dev
time of last access
time of last data modification(修改)
time of last file status change
file size, in bytes
block allocated(分配) for file; (Unix only)
optimal(最佳的) file system I/O blocksize; (Unix only)

This function uses stat internally(内部地) thus if the given filepath is a symbolic(象征的) link, it is followed (if it points to another link the chain is followed recursively(递归的)) and the information is about the file it refers to. To obtain information about the link itself, see function lfs.symlinkattributes.

时间: 2024-12-18 18:18:07

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