Configuring Network Names

Configuring Network Names

This page is for manual CDH installations only. Cloudera Manager users should disregard.Important: CDH requires IPv4. IPv6 is not supported.Tip: When bonding, use the bond0 IP address as it represents all aggregated links.

Configure each host in the cluster as follows to ensure that all members can communicate with each other:

  1. Set the hostname to a unique name (not localhost).

    sudo hostnamectl set-hostname
  2. Edit /etc/hosts with the IP address and fully qualified domain name (FQDN) of each host in the cluster. You can add the unqualified name as well.  foo-1  foo-2  foo-3  foo-4


    • The canonical name of each host in /etc/hostsmust be the FQDN (for example, not the unqualified hostname (for example myhost-1). The canonical name is the first entry after the IP address.
    • Do not use aliases, either in /etc/hosts or in configuring DNS.
  3. Edit /etc/sysconfig/network with the FQDN of this host only:
  4. Verify that each host consistently identifies to the network:
    1. Run uname -a and check that the hostname matches the output of the hostname command.


时间: 2024-08-05 19:28:01

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