python3 写文件问题

0x92 即 10010010,UTF8 中编码一个字符的第一个字节(start byte)只可能是 0xxxxxxx110xxxxx1110xxx11110xxx……而后面的字节只可能是 10xxxxxx。也就是说 0x92 只能作为后面的字节,却出现在了第一个字节的位置。

出现这种问题绝大部分情况是因为文件不是 UTF8 编码的(例如,可能是 GBK 编码的),而系统默认采用 UTF8 解码。解决方法是改为对应的解码方式。

极少数情况是因为文件损坏了或者和一部分非 UTF8 编码混在一起,可以修复文件或采用 replace 等方式解码。

Python 2 没有问题是因为 Python 2 默认以字节流(对应 Python 3 的 bytes)的方式读文件,不像 Python 3 默认解码为 unicode,把读文件的方式改为 rb 有同样的效果,不过 Python 3 中处理 bytes 还可能遇到很多问题就是了……

此种方式报错 UnicodeDecodeError: ‘utf-8‘ codec can‘t decode byte 0xea in position 3171: invalid c

with open(childrenFile + "\\" + childrenFile_00,"r", "utf-8") as f:
则尝试下面这种方式,解释如上with open(childrenFile + "\\" + childrenFile_00,"rb") as f:

python3 读取文件 写入库/*******************************************************************************************************/

from imp import reload

import pymysqlimport timeimport jsonimport datetimeimport requestsimport urllibimport datetimeimport getoptimport randomimport xlwtimport osimport sysimport codecsreload(sys)

if os.path.exists(‘logs‘)==False:    os.mkdir(‘logs‘)

config={‘host‘:‘‘,       ‘user‘:‘root‘,       ‘password‘:‘root‘,       ‘port‘:3306 ,       ‘database‘:‘test‘,       ‘charset‘:‘utf8‘       }conn= pymysql.connect(**config)cur=conn.cursor()

path = ‘F:\BreachCompilation\data‘files = os.listdir(path)  

for file in files :   childrenFile  = path + "\\" + file   files_00 = os.listdir(childrenFile)

for childrenFile_00 in files_00 :

with open(childrenFile + "\\" + childrenFile_00,"rb") as f:         ftextlist = f.readlines()         start = 0         for line in ftextlist:            ##content_0  = ftextlist.split("\n")            element = line.decode("utf-8").split(":")            start = start + 1            print("-------索引------" + str(start))            if( len(element) >= 2 ):               print("邮箱" + element[0] + "密码:" + element[1])               insertSQL = "insert into 40G (uname, pwd) value(‘%s‘, ‘%s‘)" % (pymysql.escape_string(element[0]), pymysql.escape_string(element[1]))               cur.execute(insertSQL)               conn.commit()

##element = content.split(":")         ##print(element[0] + "----" + element[1])         ##insertSQL = "insert into 40G (uname, pwd) value(‘%s‘, ‘%s‘)" % (element[0], element[1])


/**********************python3 当 \x 需要转义  转义为 \/x**************************************************************************/

from imp import reload

import pymysqlimport timeimport jsonimport datetimeimport requestsimport urllibimport datetimeimport getoptimport randomimport xlwtimport osimport sysimport codecsreload(sys)

if os.path.exists(‘logs‘)==False:    os.mkdir(‘logs‘)

config={‘host‘:‘‘,       ‘user‘:‘root‘,       ‘password‘:‘root‘,       ‘port‘:3306 ,       ‘database‘:‘test‘,       ‘charset‘:‘utf8‘       }conn= pymysql.connect(**config)cur=conn.cursor()

path = ‘E:\/xunleixiazai\BreachCompilation\data‘files = os.listdir(path)  

for file in files :   childrenFile  = path + "\\" + file   files_00 = os.listdir(childrenFile)

for childrenFile_00 in files_00 :

with open(childrenFile + "\\" + childrenFile_00,"rb") as f:         ftextlist = f.readlines()         start = 0         for line in ftextlist:            ##content_0  = ftextlist.split("\n")            element = line.decode("utf-8").split(":")            start = start + 1            print("-------索引------" + str(start))            if( len(element) >= 2 ):               print("邮箱" + element[0] + "密码:" + element[1])               insertSQL = "replace into 40G (uname, pwd) value(‘%s‘, ‘%s‘)" % (pymysql.escape_string(element[0]), pymysql.escape_string(element[1]))               cur.execute(insertSQL)               conn.commit()

##element = content.split(":")         ##print(element[0] + "----" + element[1])         ##insertSQL = "insert into 40G (uname, pwd) value(‘%s‘, ‘%s‘)" % (element[0], element[1])



时间: 2024-08-13 04:10:13

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