* wechat php test
//define your token
define( "TOKEN" , "weixin" );
$wechatObj = new wechatCallbackapiTest();
$wechatObj ->responseMsg();
class wechatCallbackapiTest
public function valid()
$echoStr = $_GET [ "echostr" ];
//valid signature , option
if ( $this ->checkSignature()){
echo $echoStr ;
exit ;
public function responseMsg()
//get post data, May be due to the different environments
//extract post data
if (! empty ( $postStr )){
$postObj = simplexml_load_string( $postStr , ‘SimpleXMLElement‘ , LIBXML_NOCDATA);
$fromUsername = $postObj ->FromUserName;
$toUsername = $postObj ->ToUserName;
$type = $postObj ->MsgType;
$customrevent = $postObj ->Event;
$latitude = $postObj ->Location_X;
$longitude = $postObj ->Location_Y;
$keyword = trim( $postObj ->Content);
$time = time();
$textTpl = "<xml>
switch ( $type )
case "text" ;
$status = array ( ‘0‘ => ‘查询出错‘ , ‘1‘ => ‘暂无记录‘ , ‘2‘ => ‘在途中‘ , ‘3‘ => ‘派送中‘ , ‘4‘ => ‘已签收‘ , ‘5‘ => ‘拒收‘ , ‘6‘ => ‘疑难件‘ , ‘7‘ => ‘退回‘ ); //构建快递状态数组
$kuaidiurl = "http://www.aikuaidi.cn/rest/?key=ff4735a30a7a4e5a8637146fd0e7cec9&order={$keyword}&id=shentong&show=xml" ;//快递地址
$kuaidistr = file_get_contents ( $kuaidiurl ); //读入文件
$kuaidiobj =simplexml_load_string( $kuaidistr ); //xml解析
$kuaidistatus = $kuaidiobj ->Status; //获取快递状态
$kuaistr = strval ( $kuaidistatus ); //对象转换为字符串
$contentStr0 = $status [ $kuaistr ]; //根据数组返回
foreach ( $kuaidiobj ->Data->Order as $a )
foreach ( $a ->Time as $b )
foreach ( $a ->Content as $c )
$m .= "{$b}{$c}" ;}
$contentStr = "你的快递单号{$keyword}{$contentStr0}{$m}" ;
break ;
default ;
$contentStr = "此项功能尚未开发" ;
$msgType = "text" ;
$resultStr = sprintf( $textTpl , $fromUsername , $toUsername , $time , $msgType , $contentStr );
echo $resultStr ;
} else {
echo "" ;
exit ;
private function checkSignature()
$signature = $_GET [ "signature" ];
$timestamp = $_GET [ "timestamp" ];
$nonce = $_GET [ "nonce" ];
$token = TOKEN;
$tmpArr = array ( $token , $timestamp , $nonce );
sort( $tmpArr );
$tmpStr = implode( $tmpArr );
$tmpStr = sha1( $tmpStr );
if ( $tmpStr == $signature ){
return true;
} else {
return false;