Unit8 Let's celebtrate


Is that music fantastic? It‘s from a samba city that I got when I was in Rio for carnival. Waw~, carnival in Rio is really something. It‘s a party that last for four whole days. It‘s hold in late Feb or early March. But you need to book a hotel room way in advance, because hotels fill up very quickly. Caunival is celebrated all over Brazil, but the most famous part is in Rio.The whole city is decrated in colored lights and streamers. It‘s really beautiful. Everyone is very friendly, especially to visitors from other countries. The best part about carnival is the big parade. The costumes are unbelievable, people work on them for months. It‘s really fantastic to watch. Everyone dances the samba in the streets. I‘d really recommand you to go to Rio for carnival if you ever have the chance.


Is ... fantastic?

It‘s from ... when ...

... is really something/someone.

It‘s a party that last for...days.

It‘s hold in ...

You need to...

I‘d really recommand you ...


Your favorite holiday...

Unit8 Let's celebtrate

时间: 2025-01-18 03:04:25

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