使用python调用zabbix api
#!/usr/bin/env python # Version = 3.6.1 # __auth__ = ‘warren‘ import json from urllib import request, parse ZABBIX_URL = ‘‘ ZABBIX_USERNAME = "Admin" ZABBIX_PASSWORD = "123456" #以列表形式定义要添加的主机信息 hostlist=["",""] #遍历主机列表定义要添加的主机组id和模板id for host in hostlist: url = "{}/api_jsonrpc.php".format(ZABBIX_URL) header = {"Content-Type": "application/json"} # auth user and password data = { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "host.create", "params": { "host": host, "interfaces": [ { "type": 1, "main": 1, "useip": 1, "ip": host, "dns": "", "port": "10050" } ], "groups": [ { "groupid": "19" } ], "templates": [ { "templateid": "10081" } ], "inventory_mode": 0, "inventory": { "macaddress_a": "01234", "macaddress_b": "56768" } }, "auth": "9afc764edb5b6bbd09369f7028231b70", "id": 1 } # 由于API接收的是json字符串,故需要转化一下 value = json.dumps(data).encode(‘utf-8‘) # 对请求进行包装 req = request.Request(url, headers=header, data=value) # 验证并获取Auth ID try: # 打开包装过的url result = request.urlopen(req) except Exception as e: print("Auth Failed, Please Check Your Name And Password:", e) else: response = result.read() # 上面获取的是bytes类型数据,故需要decode转化成字符串 page = response.decode(‘utf-8‘) # 将此json字符串转化为python字典 page = json.loads(page) result.close() #打印信息 print("Create host Successful. The host ID Is: {}".format(page.get(‘result‘))) #如果重复添加了 会返回The host ID Is: None
时间: 2025-01-09 11:12:22