hadoop 配置history server 和timeline server

一,配置history server

1.配置history server,在etc/hadoop/mapred-site.xml中配置以下内容.

<span style="font-size:18px;"><span style="font-size:18px;">  <property>



mr-jobhistory-daemon.sh  start historyserver

二 ,配置timeline server

1.配置history server,在etc/hadoop/yarn-site.xml中配置以下内容.

<span style="font-size:18px;"><!--start timeline settings -->
  <description>Address for the Timeline server to start the RPC server.</description>

  <description>The http address of the Timeline service web application.</description>

  <description>The https address of the Timeline service web application.</description>

  <description>Handler thread count to serve the client RPC requests.</description>

  <description>Enables cross-origin support (CORS) for web services where
  cross-origin web response headers are needed. For example, javascript making
  a web services request to the timeline server.</description>

  <description>Comma separated list of origins that are allowed for web
  services needing cross-origin (CORS) support. Wildcards (*) and patterns

  <description>Comma separated list of methods that are allowed for web
  services needing cross-origin (CORS) support.</description>

  <description>Comma separated list of headers that are allowed for web
  services needing cross-origin (CORS) support.</description>

  <description>The number of seconds a pre-flighted request can be cached
  for web services needing cross-origin (CORS) support.</description>
  <description>Indicate to ResourceManager as well as clients whether
  history-service is enabled or not. If enabled, ResourceManager starts
  recording historical data that Timelien service can consume. Similarly,
  clients can redirect to the history service when applications
  finish if this is enabled.</description>

  <description>Store class name for history store, defaulting to file system
  <description>Indicate to clients whether Timeline service is enabled or not.
  If enabled, the TimelineClient library used by end-users will post entities
  and events to the Timeline server.</description>

  <description>Store class name for timeline store.</description>

  <description>Enable age off of timeline store data.</description>

  <description>Time to live for timeline store data in milliseconds.</description>
  <!--end timeline settings --></span>



yarn-daemon.sh start historyserver

时间: 2024-08-29 04:09:03

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