

个人翻译:Accounting on / According to the popularity, China is the largest country in the world; and on the area, it‘s the third largest country, only less than Russia and Canada.


  1. “按..计算”,用according to是不准确的,通常用in terms of来表示“就...来说”、“按...来说”;
  2. “人口”不是popularity(n. 普及,流行),是population,属于记忆混淆。“领土”得用territorial area。第二个里面的largest country可以不要。“仅次于”用coming only after或者ranking only after。

标准翻译:In terms of population, China is the largest country in the world; and in terms of territorial area, it is the third, ranking only after Russia and Canada.


个人翻译:As we all know, China has aboundant natural resources, which makes it has good condtion to develop industry and agriculture.


  1. “众所周知”可以翻译为it is well known that...,而简化版则是Chia is known to
  2. “自然资源十分丰富”,我用的是has aboundant resources,而作者推荐的是to be aboundant/ very rich in natural resources,后面的“具备良好的条件”,我用的是has good condition,而作者推荐的是puts her in a good condition,总体而言,把“拥有”、“具备”这种含义的句子用be...in...来表示。

标准翻译:Chna is known to be aboundant in natural resources; this puts her in a good conditon to develop her industry and agriculture.


个人翻译:As it tells by history records, China has invented paper in the 16th century, which is known to Europe and amazing the European people.


  1. “历史记载表明”,推荐用Historical records show,自己没有注意history和historical的区别。
  2. “到16世纪时”,我用的in the 16th century,作者用by the 16th century。
  3. “传入欧洲”,用Had it brought to Europe,侧重于别人带,像had my hair cut,理发。
  4. “使欧洲人大感惊奇”用causing great amazement among the Europeans.注意用的是Eueopeans复数。

标准翻译:Historical records show that by the 16th century, China had already invented paper, and had it brought to Europe, causing great amazement among the Europeans.


个人翻译:The China Great Canal River,which lasting 1800 kilomiters and flowing through 17 cities,is  built in AD 610 and is the most acient and longest artificial water tunnel in the world.   


  1. “大运河”,专有名词,Grand Canal,三个形容语句,1800公里长、建于公元、流经城市。
  2. “中国的1800公里长的大运河”,采用China‘s 1800-kilometer long Grand Canal。
  3. “建成于”,用is completed,“公元”是AD,“公元前”是BC,且610在AD之前。
  4. “世界上”可以用in the world,也可以用world‘s,后者比较简洁。

标准翻译:China‘s 1800-kilomiter long Grand Canal, which was completed in 610 AD and flows through 17 cities, is the world‘s oldest and longest artificial waterway.


个人翻译:In order to improve its environment, the most largest and highest density population city of China, Shanghai is planning to construct a forest park, which located 300 ?? and called the "Super Green Lung" .


  1. 比较级的最高级,有了most后面就不要est,有了est,就不要most。
  2. “人口最密的”,采用most populous。
  3. “占地300多公顷”,spreading out over 300 hectares of land。
  4. “称为”,用to be known as the ”Super Green Lung“。在书面体中,to be called the ”Lung“不如 to be known as the ”Lung“常见。

标准翻译:In order to better its enviroment, Shanghai, China‘s largest and most populous city, is planning to build a forest park spreading out over 300 hectares of land, to be known as the "Super Green Lung".


个人翻译:Known as the "Garden in the Gardens", Yuanmingyuan Park‘s construction and improvement have been lasting 150 years, five emperors of Qing dynasty. In 1860 of the Second Opium War, it was burned out by English and French army; and was destroyed further more by Eight Countries Allies in 1900 .


  1. "其建设与修复...经历清朝的..."可以用which作为定语。
  2. “1860年第二次鸦片战争期间”,自己用的是of,建议用的是 in 1860 during the second Opium War
  3. “英法联军”,the British and French Troops,自己的翻译不对;”八国联军“为the allied army of eight powers。

标准翻译:”Garden of Gardens“, Yuan Ming Yuan, which underwent  150 years of construction and renovation under five emperors of the Qing dynasty, was burned down by the British and French troops in 1860 during the second Opium War and then further destroyed by the allied army of eight powers in 1900.


个人翻译:The Yangtzi River Triangle Area, which allocated 6% of  population of whole country and providing above 1/5 of GDP, its development has a great affection on the economic construction of China.


  1. "所以这一区域的发展",不要直译为so,可以用as开头的从句。
  2. “全国人口的6%”,自己用的是两个of,建议用的是6% of China‘s total population; 后面”全国的国内生产总值的1/5“,用的是1/5 of the country‘s total GDP。另外GDP:gross domestic product。前后都有全国,后者省略为the country‘s。
  3. “提供全国国内生产总值”的提供,应该用contribute,而不能用provide。”促进“用speed up。

标准翻译:As the Yangtze River Delta area takes up 6% of China‘s total population and contributes more than 1/5 of the country‘s total GDP, its development will certainly play a great rold in speeding up China‘s economic construction.


  1. 对于多个修饰语,自己习惯用多个of,但其实部分可以用‘s来表示,具体哪个用of哪个用‘s,需要后续学习;
  2. 专有名词不清楚,如八国联军、三角区域、大运河,需要增大阅读量;
  3. 要记住几个常见用法:to be known as,be known to be,in terms of,以及表示因果的用as开头的从句;
时间: 2024-12-17 14:18:11


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