


  Pass across or through (an area)

    The new large ships will be too big to transit the Panama Canal.


  The carrying of people or things from on place to another

    The painting was damaged in transit.

  The action of passing through or across a place

    All chinese should have freedom of transit through any place in China. 

transition (change)

  n. The process or a period of changing from one state or condition to another

    Making the transition from youth to adulthood can be very painful

  v. Undergo or cause to undergo a process or period of transition

transmit (send, communicate, project)


  Send out electronic signals, messages etc using radio, televeision, or other similar equipment

    The system transmit information ove digital phone lines.

  Send or pass something from one person, pleace or thing to another.

    Mathematical knowledge is transmitted from teacher to student.

    Transmitted disease.

  Allow heat, light, sound, electricity, or other energy) to pass through a medium

    The three bones transmit sound wave to the inner ear.



  The action or process of transmitting something or the state of being transmitting

    Even the most simple information can be forgotten or distorted in the process of tranmission.

    Teaching and learning isn‘t just a matter of skill acquistion or knowledge transmission.

    A live transmission of the tennis championship.

  The mechanism by which power is transmitted from an engine to the axle in a motor vehicle



  Take or carry (people or goods) from one place to another by means of a vehicle, aircraft, or ship

    Trucks used for transporting oil.

    The statue was transported to London.

  Cause to feel that they are in another place or time

    One look, and I was transported back to childhood.


  The system or means of conveying people or goods from place to place, sea/road/rail/air transport

     Improved rail transport is essential for business.

  The process or business of taking goods from one place to another

    Canals were used for the transport of goods.



  (American English) as same as transport



  Vehicles moving along a road or street; The movement of airecraft, ships, or trains from one place to another

    rush-hour traffic, traffic noise, heavy traffic

    air traffice control

  The movement of people or goods by aircraft, ships, trains

    Most long-distance traffic of heavy goods is done by ships.

  Illegal deal, trade    

    drug traffic



  Replant a plant in another place

    Lift and transplant bulbs when they are becoming overcrowded.



  Change the order or position of two or more things

    When I tracked down Robyn‘s correct number to call her, I found that I had accidently transposed the last two digits.


  v. Move from one place, school, job etc to another. or Make someone do this, especially within the same organization

    He intends to transfer the fund‘s assert to the Treasury.

    She tranfered to the HR department.  



  Make a marked chagne in the form, nature, or appearance of

    He wanted to transform himself into a successful businessman.

  Change the voltage of an electric current

    The wind plant capture and transform wind energy into direct current electricity.



  A marked change in form, anture, or appearance

    British society underwent a radical transformation.

时间: 2024-08-07 16:59:59


BZOJ 1003: [ZJOI2006]物流运输trans

二次联通门 : BZOJ 1003: [ZJOI2006]物流运输trans /* BZOJ 1003: [ZJOI2006]物流运输trans Spfa + Dp Spfa预处理出i到j天的最小花费 然后N^2 dp即可 */ #include <cstdio> #include <iostream> #include <cstring> #include <queue> #define INF 1e6 const int BUF = 12312313;

BZOJ1003 ZJOI2006物流运输trans 0&#39;


BZOJ 1003 物流运输trans(最短路)

题目链接: 思路:m个点e条边n天.给出每条边的权值以及有些点有些天不能走.对于某连续的两天i和i+1,若两天从起点到终点选择的路径不同需要额外代价K.求最小的总代价:ans=sum(每天的代价)+K*改变的次数.每天的代价定义为这一天s到t选择的路径的长度. 思路:令cost[i][j]表示从第i天 到第j天选择一条路径的最短路,f[i]表示前i天的总代价,则f[i]=min(f[j]+c

BZOJ 1003 物流运输trans dijstra+dp

1003: [ZJOI2006]物流运输trans Time Limit: 10 Sec  Memory Limit: 162 MBSubmit: 3896  Solved: 1608[Submit][Status][Discuss] Description 物 流公司要把一批货物从码头A运到码头B.由于货物量比较大,需要n天才能运完.货物运输过程中一般要转停好几个码头.物流公司通常会设计一条固定的运输路 线,以便对整个运输过程实施严格的管理和跟踪.由于各种因素的存在,有的时候某个码头会无法装卸

Pentaho BIServer Community Edtion 6.1 使用教程 第三篇 发布和调度Kettle(Data Integration) 脚本 Job &amp; Trans

Pentaho BIServer Community Edtion 6.1 集成了 Kettle 组件,可以运行Kettle 程序脚本.但由于Kettle没有直接发布到 BIServer-ce 服务的程序,所以,在本地(Windows环境)通过图形化界面开发完成的ETL 脚本 (.ktr & .kjb) ,需要上传到BIServer-ce 管理的资源库,才能被BIServer-ce 运行和调度. 重点:Kettle 资源库 与 BIServer-ce 资源库 建立一致的目录管理ETL脚本文件.

OpenJudge Trans

#include<iostream>#include<cstdio>#include<algorithm>#include<cmath>#include<cstdlib>#include<cstring>#include<string>#include<vector>#include<set>#include<queue>#include<map> using namespa

Mapper method &#39;com.autoyol.mapper.trans.AccountLogMapper.getTotalIncomByMemNoLastest attempted to return null from a method with a primitive return type (int).解决方法

1.打开日志输出,降低日志级别. <AppenderRef ref="console" level="trace"></AppenderRef> 否则看不到报错.. 2.调整mysql语句,不能使用order by limit之类的 <!-- SELECT IFNULL(amt,1) FROM account_log WHERE mem_no=#{value} AND income_type != 4 ORDER BY id DESC

bzoj 1003: [ZJOI2006]物流运输trans 最短路+dp

题目链接 1003: [ZJOI2006]物流运输trans Time Limit: 10 Sec  Memory Limit: 162 MBSubmit: 5246  Solved: 2157[Submit][Status][Discuss] Description 物流公司要把一批货物从码头A运到码头B.由于货物量比较大,需要n天才能运完.货物运输过程中一般要转停好几个码头.物流公司通常会设计一条固定的运输路线,以便对整个运输过程实施严格的管理和跟踪.由于各种因素的存在,有的时候某个码头会无


最短路/DP 这题数据规模并不大!!这是重点……… 所以直接暴力DP就好了:f[i]表示前 i 天的最小花费,则有$f[i]=min\{f[j]+cost[j+1][i]+k\} (0\leq j \leq i-1)$其中cost数组表示第L天到第R天只用一种运输方案连续运$R-L+1$天的最小代价,因为n很小所以暴力枚举L.R,用最短路算法来算…… 记得开long long 1 /*********************************************************

[ZJOI2006][BZOJ1003] 物流运输trans

1003: [ZJOI2006]物流运输trans Time Limit: 10 Sec  Memory Limit: 162 MBSubmit: 4039  Solved: 1687[Submit][Status][Discuss] Description 物流公司要把一批货物从码头A运到码头B.由于货物量比较大,需要n天才能运完.货物运输过程中一般要转停好几个码头.物流公司通常会设计一条固定的运输路线,以便对整个运输过程实施严格的管理和跟踪.由于各种因素的存在,有的时候某个码头会无法装卸货物