Atcoder Beginner Contest 144 F- Fork the Road(概率DP/期望DP)

Problem Statement

There is a cave consisting of NN rooms and MM one-directional passages. The rooms are numbered 11 through NN .

Takahashi is now in Room 11 , and Room NN has the exit. The ii -th passage connects Room sisi and Room titi (sisi < titi ) and can only be traversed in the direction from Room sisi to Room titi . It is known that, for each room except Room NN , there is at least one passage going from that room.

Takahashi will escape from the cave. Each time he reaches a room (assume that he has reached Room 11 at the beginning), he will choose a passage uniformly at random from the ones going from that room and take that passage.

Aoki, a friend of Takahashi‘s, can block one of the passages (or do nothing) before Takahashi leaves Room 11 . However, it is not allowed to block a passage so that Takahashi is potentially unable to reach Room NN .

Let EE be the expected number of passages Takahashi takes before he reaches Room NN . Find the value of EE when Aoki makes a choice that minimizes EE .


  • 2≤N≤6002≤N≤600
  • N−1≤M≤N(N−1)2N−1≤M≤N(N−1)2
  • si<tisi<ti
  • If i!=ji!=j , (si,ti)≠(sj,tj)(si,ti)≠(sj,tj) . (Added 21:23 JST)
  • For every v=1,2,...,N−1v=1,2,...,N−1 , there exists ii such that v=siv=si .


Input is given from Standard Input in the following format:









Print the value of EE when Aoki makes a choice that minimizes EE . Your output will be judged as correct when the absolute or relative error from the judge‘s output is at most 10−610−6 .

Sample Input 1

4 6
1 4
2 3
1 3
1 2
3 4
2 4

Sample Output 1


If Aoki blocks the passage from Room 11 to Room 22 , Takahashi will go along the path 134 with probability 1212 and 14 with probability 1212 . E=1.5E=1.5 here, and this is the minimum possible value of EE .

Sample Input 2

3 2
1 2
2 3

Sample Output 2


Blocking any one passage makes Takahashi unable to reach Room NN , so Aoki cannot block a passage.

Sample Input 3

10 33
3 7
5 10
8 9
1 10
4 6
2 5
1 7
6 10
1 4
1 3
8 10
1 5
2 6
6 9
5 6
5 8
3 6
4 8
2 7
2 9
6 7
1 2
5 9
6 8
9 10
3 9
7 8
4 5
2 10
5 7
3 5
4 7
4 9

Sample Output 3

#include <iostream>
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstring>
#include <vector>
#include <cmath>
#include <algorithm>
#define N 605
#define INF 0x3f3f3f3f
using namespace std;
int n,m;
double dp[N]={0};
double process(int p)//对于p这个顶点删除其连着的最大的出边
    int i,j;
        if(v[i].size()==1&&p==i)//i出度为1且 要删它的边
            dp[i]=INF;//删了以后必不能到达 所以设置为INF
        double len=v[i].size()-(p==i);//如果i是枚举到的p的话要减1 因为删边了
        double mmax=0;//。找到最大的,如果p==i的话要在最后减掉
            double temp=dp[v[i][j]];//获取每个出边终点的dp值
    return dp[1];
int main()
    int i;
        int s,t;
    double ans=INF;
    return 0;


时间: 2024-11-08 00:40:27

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