APK Downgrade Method not working on LINE 6.6.1

Line is one of the most popular messaging Apps, especially in Asia.

On March 3 I downgraded the app LINE to an earlier version and extract the database successfully. Later this apk downgrade method feature became available in UFED as shown in UFED 5.0 release notes.

Now the latest version of LINE is 6.6.1 and I want to use the same apk downgrade method to backup the database of LINE. Guess what? I could not install older version LINE apk, and the error messages is as below:

It seems that Naver LINE offers a countermeasure to deactivate Apk Downgrade Method. What a pity Apk Downgrade Method is not working on LINE anymore. We have to find another way to extract LINE chat messages.

时间: 2024-12-30 00:02:16

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