

Fruit f;

Apple a = (Apple)f;


1.        Fruit和Apple类不兼容。当应用程序代码尝试将某一对象转换为某一子类时,如果该对象并非该子类的实例,JVM就会抛出ClassCastException异常。

2.        Fruit和Apple类兼容,但加载时使用了不同的ClassLoader。这是这种异常发生最常见的原因。在这里,需要了解一下什么是ClassLoader?



1.        自定义和扩展JVM加载类的方式。例如,增加对新的类库(网络、加密文件等)的支持。

2.        划分JVM名称空间,避免名称冲突。例如,可以利用划分技术同时运行同一应用程序的多个版本(基于空间的划分)。此项技术在应用服务器(如WebLogic Server)内的另一个重要用途是启用应用程序热重新部署,即在不重新启动JVM的情况下启动应用程序的新版本(基于时间的划分)。



1.        永远无法在同一ClassLoader中重新加载类。“热重新部署”需要使用新的ClassLoader。每个类对其ClassLoader的引用都是不可变的:this.getClass().getClassLoader()。

2.        在加载类之前,ClassLoader始终会先询问其父ClassLoader(委托模型)。这意味着将永远无法重写“核心”类。

3.        同级ClassLoader间互不了解。

4.        由不同ClassLoader加载的同一类文件也会被视为不同的类,即便每个字节都完全相同。这是ClassCastException的一个典型原因。

5.        可以使用Thread.setContextClassLoader(a)将ClassLoader连接到线程的上下文。


ClassCastException and ClassLoader Puzzle


The following question and puzzle will test your knowledge on Java class loaders and more precisely on one of the Java language specifications. It will also help you better troubleshoot problems such asjava.lang.NoClassDefFoundError.

I highly suggest that you do not look at the explanation and solution until you review the code and come up with your own explanation.

You can download the Java program source code and binaries (compiled with JDK 1.7) here. In order to run the program, simply use the following command:

<JDK 1.7 HOME>\bin\java -classpath MainProgram.jar

** Make sure that you also download the 3 JAR files below before you run the program.

  • MainProgram.jar contains the main program along with super classProgrammingLanguage.
  • ProgrammingLanguage.jar contains the super class ProgrammingLanguage.
  • JavaLanguage.jar contains the implementation class JavaLanguage, which extendsProgrammingLanguage.

Question (puzzle)

Review closely the program source and packaging along with the diagram below reflecting the class loader delegation model used for this program.

Why can’t we cast ( @line 53) the Object javaLanguageInstance of type
, into 


// Finally, cast the object instance into ProgrammingLanguage

/** Question: why is the following code failing with ClassCastException given the fact JavaLanguage is indeed a ProgrammingLanguage?? **/

ProgrammingLanguage programmingLanguage = (ProgrammingLanguage)javaLanguageInstance;


Propose a solution to allow the above cast to succeed without changing the original source code. Hint: look again at the class loader delegation model, packaging and diagram.

Answer & solution

The Java program is attempting to demonstrate a Java language specification rule related to class loaders: two classes loaded by different class loaders are considered to be distinct and hence incompatible.

If you review closely the program source, packaging and diagram, you will realize the following facts:

  • Our main program is loaded to the parent class loader e.g. $AppClassLoader.
  • The super class ProgrammingLanguage is also loaded to the parent class loader since it is referenced by our main program at line 53.
  • The implementation class JavaLanguage is loaded to our child class loader e.g. ChildFirstClassLoader which is following a “child first” delegation model.
  • Finally, the super class ProgrammingLanguage is also loaded to our child class loader.

The key point to understand is that the super class is loaded by 2 different class loaders. As per Java language specification, two classes loaded by different class loaders are considered to bedistinct and hence incompatible. This means that ProgrammingLanguage loaded from the “child firs” class loader is different and not compatible with ProgrammingLanguage loaded from the parent classloader. This is why the cast attempted at line 53 failed with the error below:

ChildFirstCLPuzzle execution failed with ERROR: java.lang.ClassCastException: cannot be cast to

Now how can we fix this problem without actually changing the source code? Well please keep in mind that we are using a “child first” delegation model here. This is why we end up with 2 versions of the same ProgrammingLanguage class. The solution can be visualized as per below.

In order to fix this problem, we can simply ensure that we have only one version of ProgrammingLanguage loaded. Since our main program is referencing ProgrammingLanguage directly, the solution is to remove the ProgrammingLanguage.jar file from the child class loader. This will force the child class loader to look for the class from the 
 class loader, problem solved! In order to test the solution, simply remove the ProgrammingLanguage.jar from your testing folder and re-run the program.

I hope you appreciated this puzzle related to “child first” class loader delegation model and class loader rules. This understanding is especially important when you are dealing with complex Java EE deployments involving many class loaders, exposing you to this type of problems at runtime.

Please do not hesitate to post any comment or question on this puzzle.


时间: 2024-11-04 16:31:45



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