ggplot2 pdf import in Adobe Illustrator missing font AdobePiStd

The font AdobePiStd is missing. Affected text will be displayed using a substitute font.

缺少字体 AdobePiStd。将使用替换字体显示受影响的文本。

. I solved this by copying the font file /Library/Application Support/Adobe/PDFL/8.0/Fonts/AdobePiStd.otf from my mac to my colleague‘s Win7 machine (drag onto font control panel to install).

Thats actually the best and most convenient way to solve this, thank a lot! I found the font on my machine in C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Acrobat 10.0\Resource\Font, as I have bought the student version of the Adobe Creative Suite with Acrobat X Pro included. I just copied the font to the windows fonts directory, and now I can load the plots without any complaints!

On Mac OS X 10.8.2, simply copying AdobePiStd.otf from /Library/Application Support/Adobe/PDFL/10.9/Fonts/AdobePiStd.otf to /Library/Fonts/ resolved the issue for all subsequent PDFs.

Some times I want to modify the pdf file which produced by R with
illustrator. But when I use Illustrator open the pdf file, it often
makes the pdf some little changed.

pdf() is worse than savePlot and postscript() does the same with what
I‘ve tried. When I say "better" or "worse", I mean in terms of

"dissociation potential" (I‘m not sure it means anything, but my problem

was to dissociate the graphical elements to be able to edit them


What worked perfectly (up to now) are SVG files, from the devSVG

function in the RSvgDevice package.

ggplot2 handles all of these requirements. I highly recommend using it for
composite figures. Try the grid.arrange() and arrangeGrob in the
‘gridExtra‘ package in addition to ggplot2.


ggplot2 pdf import in Adobe Illustrator missing font AdobePiStd

时间: 2024-12-24 23:46:16

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