Service Restart Method for the Wedora Cloud


Service Restart Method



#service mysqld stop


#service mysqld start



#ps -ef|grep mongo

#kill -9 {PID}


#/usr/local/mongodb/bin/mongod --config /usr/local/mongodb/mongodb.conf--auth

#ps -ef|grep mongo

#tail -f /usr/local/mongodb/data/logs/mongodb.log



#ps -ef|grep msbgus

#kill -9 {PID}

#kill -9 {PID}

#cd /usr/local/wedora/msgbus

#ps -ef|grep msgbus

#nohup ./ 2> /dev/null 2>&1 &

#tail -f /usr/local/wedora/msgbus/log/hd.log



#ps -ef|grep tomcat7

#Kill -9 {PID}


#cd /usr/local/wedora/tomcat7/bin/


#ps -ef|grep tomcat



#ps -ef|grep tomcat


#tail -f /usr/local/wedora/tomcat7/logs/app.log



#ps -ef|grep ibserver

#cd /usr/local/wedora/ibserver/


#ps -ef|grep ibserver

( The PID is change from 31853 to 62702, i.e. ibserver service is restart)



(Automatic input log information, by Ctrl+C to exit)

#ps -ef|grep ibserver

(The python service is started)



#ps –ef|grep wmmp

#kill -9 {PID1} **(As show in figure, kill the 33895 script process)

#kiil -9 {PID2} **(Then kill the 33881 wmmp service)

#ps -ef|grep wmmp

(The and wmmp1 fep -n fep.wmmp1 processes don‘t exit, mean wmmp service is stopped)


#cd /usr/local/wedora/wmmp1/

#nohup ./ 2> /dev/null 2>&1 &

#ps -ef|grep wmmp

( and wmmp1 fep -n fep.wmmp1(PID=55059) processes start, mean the wmmp service is started)

Log: (you can check the log to validate after the restart service)

#cd /usr/local/wedora/wmmp1/log/

#tail -f hd.log

时间: 2024-10-10 16:52:39

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