

2.如果重启不行,上网查看VMware KB

On the vCenter
Server Appliance, vMotion and storage vMotionof virtual machines fails
with the error: A general system erroroccured: Invalid response code
503: service unavailable(2091384)


To resolve this issue, increase the java heap sizelimit.

To increase the java heap size limit:

Log in to vCenter Server Appliance administration interface asroot by using the URL:

https://IP address or FQDN of vCenter ServerAppliance:5480

Click the Services tab.

Switch Inventory Size to Medium or Large.

Restart the SPS service by logging in throughSSH.

Connect to the Console of the vCenter Server Appliance and login as root.

Restart the Profile Driven Storage Service by running thiscommand:

service vmware-sps restart



with vCenter Server 5.1, VMware Tomcat Serversettings can no longer be
configured through the Windows userinterface at Start > Programs >
VMware > VMwareTomcat.

vCenter Server 5.1
uses VMware vFabric tc Server, anenterprise version of Apache Tomcat 7.
Unlike Tomcat version 6,which is used with earlier versions of vCenter
Server, Tomcatversion 7 does not provide a control panel in the Windows
userinterface. Instead, you configure Tomcat by editing
configurationfiles manually.

You can adjust the
JVM maximum heap size for vCenter Server,vCenter Single Sign-On,
vCenter Inventory Service, andProfile-Driven Storage Service.

This table provides the JVM heap size recommendations:

vCenter Server 5.1:

vCenter Server Inventory VMware VirtualCenter ManagementWebservices (tc Server) Inventory Service Profile-Driven StorageService

Small inventory (1-100 hosts or 1-1000 virtual machines) 1 GB3 GB 512 MB

Medium inventory (100-400 hosts or 1000-4000 virtual machines)2 GB 6 GB 1 GB

Large inventory (More than 400 hosts or 4000 virtual machines)3 GB 12 GB 2 GB

vCenter Server 5.5:

vCenter Server Inventory VMware VirtualCenter ManagementWebservices (tc Server) Inventory Service Profile-Driven StorageService

Small inventory (1-100 hosts or 1-1000 virtual machines) 512MB 3 GB 1 GB

Medium inventory (100-400 hosts or 1000-4000 virtual machines)512 MB 6 GB 2 GB

Large inventory (More than 400 hosts or 4000 virtual machines)1024 MB 12 GB 4 GB

adjusting the JVM heap size in the wrapper.conffile, VMware recommends
restarting the VirtualCenter Management Webservices. For more
information, see Stopping, starting, orrestarting vCenter services

Java setting options and file locations for vSphereservices

VirtualCenter Management WebServices

Configuration file location:


Heap size parameter:


vCenter Single Sign-On (vSphere 5.1)

Configuration file location:


Heap size parameter:


vCenter Single Sign-On (vSphere 5.5)

Configuration file location:


Heap size parameter:


vCenter Inventory Service

Configuration file location:


Heap size parameter:

# Maximum Java Heap Size (in MB)


vSphere Profile-Driven Storage

Configuration file location:


Heap size parameter:

# Maximum Java Heap Size (in MB)


vSphere Web Client

Configuration file location:


Heap size parameter:


# JVM Memory



VMware Log Browser

Configuration file location:


Heap size parameter:


# JVM Memory



more information, see the Configuring VMware Tomcat ServerSettings in
vCenter Server section in the vSphere Installation andSetup guide and
vSphere 5.5 Documentation Center

时间: 2024-12-16 09:44:52


关于 vmware虚拟机的一些问题及解决办法备忘

有问题讨论 --- 问题:关于vm虚拟机窗口大小全屏按钮无法全屏 解决:安装vm-tools,重启即可 --- 问题:关于vm虚拟机安装xp,尤其还原ghost出错找不到光驱 解决:进入镜像pe安装 --- 问题:关于vm的3d显卡加速问题 解决:编辑vmds文件 ---


1. 点击菜单栏中的编辑按钮 2. 选择虚拟网络编辑器 3. 选择正在使用的连接模式(一般是192.168.152.0的这个,选择后点击下方的DHCP设置) 4. 将租用时间设置长一点即可 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/wangyusu/p/11405086.html

vmwork 内部错误解决办法

虚拟机打开运行的时候,就会显示出“内部错误”.之前打的时候,还能运行里面的虚拟系统,现在不行了.怎么解决虚拟机运行时”内部错误”问题. vmware虚拟机运行提示内部错误解决方法: 第一种解决方法: 提示如下图 其实解决方法很简单,原来只需要“以管理员身份运行”VMware Workstation的可以了,如下图,右键单击“VMware Workstation"图标,选择“以管理员身份运行”即可. 这是让你又权限的登陆,运行这软件. 第二种解决方法: 有时候启动vmware中的虚拟机的时候会提示

Ubuntu提示piix4_smbus:Host SMBus错误解决办法

1.编译内核时出现下面的错误 CHK     include/linux/version.h CHK     include/generated/utsrelease.h make[1]: `include/generated/mach-types.h' is up to date. CALL    scripts/checksyscalls.sh CC      scripts/mod/empty.o /opt/FriendlyARM/toolschain/4.5.1/lib/gcc/arm-

centos7 无法启动网络(service network restart)错误解决办法(转)

centos7 无法启动网络(service network restart)错误解决办法:(以下方法均为网上COPY,同时感谢原博主分享) systemctl status network.service 出现以下错误"rtnetlink answers file exists" 的解决方法 第一种: 和 NetworkManager 服务有冲突,这个好解决,直接关闭 NetworkManger 服务就好了, service NetworkManager stop,并且禁止开机启动

Unable to locate package错误解决办法

新装了VMWare Player,结果装上Ubuntu12.04后安装软件都提示:Unable to locate package错误,解决方法非常简单,终端输入以下命令即可: [cpp] view plaincopy sudo apt-get update 究其原因,应该是刚安装,软件源还来不及更新,所以才会无法找到包.我猜测在更换软件源之后,也很可能会出现这个问题. Unable to locate package错误解决办法,布布扣,bubuko.com

?vmware虚拟机centos网络配置错误,执行/etc/init.d/network start 或 restart 提示Device eth0 has different MAC address than expected, ignoring

vmware虚拟机centos网络配置错误,执行/etc/init.d/network start 或 restart 提示Device eth0 has different MAC address than expected, ignoring 解决方法: 执行:grep -rHi eth0 /etc/udev/rules.d/ It will probably show you a file that has a udev rewrite rule for the eth0 and has

Kali linux virtualbox rc=1908 错误解决办法

Kali linux virtualbox rc=1908 错误解决办法: 当我尝试启动virtualbox时候提示: Kernel driver not installed (rc=-1908)The VirtualBox Linux kernel driver (vboxdrv) is either not loaded or there is a permission problem with /dev/vboxdrv. Please reinstall the kernel module

error C2039: 'SetDefaultDllDirectories'错误解决办法

使用VS2013+WDK8.1+Win7开发UMDF驱动,当使用了CComPtr类,包含了atlcomcli.h头文件却报错,错误如下: Error 3 error C2039: 'SetDefaultDllDirectories' : is not a member of '`global namespace'' 可是使用VS2012+WDK8.0+Win7却没有这个问题. 经过一番折腾终于找到了解决办法,在预定义中增加一项定义  _USING_V110_SDK71_ 具体见下图: error