2.如果重启不行,上网查看VMware KB
On the vCenter
Server Appliance, vMotion and storage vMotionof virtual machines fails
with the error: A general system erroroccured: Invalid response code
503: service unavailable(2091384)
To resolve this issue, increase the java heap sizelimit.
To increase the java heap size limit:
Log in to vCenter Server Appliance administration interface asroot by using the URL:
https://IP address or FQDN of vCenter ServerAppliance:5480
Click the Services tab.
Switch Inventory Size to Medium or Large.
Restart the SPS service by logging in throughSSH.
Connect to the Console of the vCenter Server Appliance and login as root.
Restart the Profile Driven Storage Service by running thiscommand:
service vmware-sps restart
with vCenter Server 5.1, VMware Tomcat Serversettings can no longer be
configured through the Windows userinterface at Start > Programs >
VMware > VMwareTomcat.
vCenter Server 5.1
uses VMware vFabric tc Server, anenterprise version of Apache Tomcat 7.
Unlike Tomcat version 6,which is used with earlier versions of vCenter
Server, Tomcatversion 7 does not provide a control panel in the Windows
userinterface. Instead, you configure Tomcat by editing
configurationfiles manually.
You can adjust the
JVM maximum heap size for vCenter Server,vCenter Single Sign-On,
vCenter Inventory Service, andProfile-Driven Storage Service.
This table provides the JVM heap size recommendations:
vCenter Server 5.1:
vCenter Server Inventory VMware VirtualCenter ManagementWebservices (tc Server) Inventory Service Profile-Driven StorageService
Small inventory (1-100 hosts or 1-1000 virtual machines) 1 GB3 GB 512 MB
Medium inventory (100-400 hosts or 1000-4000 virtual machines)2 GB 6 GB 1 GB
Large inventory (More than 400 hosts or 4000 virtual machines)3 GB 12 GB 2 GB
vCenter Server 5.5:
vCenter Server Inventory VMware VirtualCenter ManagementWebservices (tc Server) Inventory Service Profile-Driven StorageService
Small inventory (1-100 hosts or 1-1000 virtual machines) 512MB 3 GB 1 GB
Medium inventory (100-400 hosts or 1000-4000 virtual machines)512 MB 6 GB 2 GB
Large inventory (More than 400 hosts or 4000 virtual machines)1024 MB 12 GB 4 GB
adjusting the JVM heap size in the wrapper.conffile, VMware recommends
restarting the VirtualCenter Management Webservices. For more
information, see Stopping, starting, orrestarting vCenter services
Java setting options and file locations for vSphereservices
VirtualCenter Management WebServices
Configuration file location:
Heap size parameter:
vCenter Single Sign-On (vSphere 5.1)
Configuration file location:
Heap size parameter:
vCenter Single Sign-On (vSphere 5.5)
Configuration file location:
Heap size parameter:
vCenter Inventory Service
Configuration file location:
Heap size parameter:
# Maximum Java Heap Size (in MB)
vSphere Profile-Driven Storage
Configuration file location:
Heap size parameter:
# Maximum Java Heap Size (in MB)
vSphere Web Client
Configuration file location:
Heap size parameter:
# JVM Memory
VMware Log Browser
Configuration file location:
Heap size parameter:
# JVM Memory
more information, see the Configuring VMware Tomcat ServerSettings in
vCenter Server section in the vSphere Installation andSetup guide and
vSphere 5.5 Documentation Center