SDK Location not found Android Studio + Gradle


I had very similar situation (had a project on another machine and cloned it to my laptop and saw the same issue) and I looked in it.

Error message was coming from Sdk.groovy of Android gradle plugin:

By looking at code, its findLocation needs to set androidSdkDir variable and there are only three ways to do it:

create file and have either sdk.dir or android.dir line.
have ANDROID_HOME environment variable defined.
System.getProperty("android.home") - I‘m not sure how it works, but it seems like a Java thing.
While your Android Studio knows that the SDK is at that place, I doubt that Android Studio is passing that information to gradle and thus we‘re seeing that error.

I created file at the project root and put the following line and it compiled the code successfully.

sdk.dir = /Applications/Android 

时间: 2024-07-29 09:27:09

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