select fu.user_name 用户名, fu.description 用户说明, frv.RESPONSIBILITY_NAME 职责名称, REQUEST_GROUP_NAME 报表组, (select ppf.FULL_NAME from apps.per_people_f ppf where fu.employee_id = ppf.PERSON_ID and trunc(sysdate) between trunc(ppf.EFFECTIVE_START_DATE) a
select fu.user_name 用户名, fu.description 描述, (select ppf.FULL_NAME from per_people_f ppf where ppf.PERSON_ID = fu.employee_id and trunc(sysdate) between trunc(ppf.EFFECTIVE_START_DATE) and trunc(ppf
/*死锁查询-1*/ SELECT o.object_name, l.session_id,l.process, l.locked_mode FROM v$locked_object l , dba_objects o WHERE o.object_id=l.object_id ------------------------------------------------ /*死锁查询-2*/ select GL.SESSION_ID, do.object_name,
? 1 2 3 4 5 6 select * from sys_role_list where id in (select c from (with test as (select roleid c from sys_role_info where id=1) select substr(,instr(, ',', 1, + 1,instr(, ',', 1, + 1) - (instr(, ',', 1, + 1)) AS c