Eclipse --Type / already exists but is not a source folde解决方案


Two actions, first:

1.Right click on the project and go to "Properties"
2.Select "Java Build Path" on the left
3.Open "Source" tab
4.Click "Add Folder..." and check "gen" and "src"
second: (because the previous action asked me to remove something... I do not remember what it was...)

1. Right click on the project and go to "Properties"
2. Select "Java Build Path" on the left
3. Open Libraries "tab"
4. Add an external JAR. Add the Google API that is in your android directory (android-sdk\platforms\android-yourversion


时间: 2024-08-05 12:41:35

Eclipse --Type / already exists but is not a source folde解决方案的相关文章

Eclipse.Error.gen already exists but is not a source folder.

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gen already exists but is not a source folder. Convert to a source folder or rename it.

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Gen already exists but is not a source folder

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gen already exists but is not a source folder ZT

解决方法:1. 右键点击工程,选择 "Properties"2. 选择左边的 "Java Build Path" 3. 打开 "Source" 标签面板4. 点击 "Add Folder..."5. 勾选 "gen" 文件夹,点击OK,点击YES,再点击OK6. 最后右键点击工程,选择 "Andriod Tools" 里面的 "Fix Project Properties&qu

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