linux 下 Linux 下char转换为wchar_t

函数含义:convert a multibyte string to a wide char string
说明:       The behaviour of mbstowcs depends on the LC_CTYPE category of the current locale
返回值:   The  mbstowcs() function returns the number of wide characters that make up the converted part of the wide-char-acter string, not including the terminating null wide character.  If an invalid multibyte sequence  was  encountered, (size_t) -1 is returned.

 1 #include <string.h>
 2 #include <stdio.h>
 3 #include <stdlib.h>
 4 #include <wchar.h>
 5 #include <locale.h>
 6 #include <iostream>
 7 using namespace std;
10 // 将char类型转化为wchar13 // locale: 环境变量的值,mbstowcs依赖此值来判断src的编码方式11 int ToWchar(char* &src, wchar_t* &dest, const char *locale = "zh_CN.utf8"){
18   if (src == NULL) {
19     dest = NULL;
20     return 0;
21   }
23   //根据环境变量设置locale
24   setlocale(LC_CTYPE, locale);
26   //得到转化为需要的宽字符大小
27   int w_size = mbstowcs(NULL, src, 0) + 1;
29   //w_size=0说明mbstowcs返回值为-1。即在运行过程中遇到了非法字符(很有可能使locale没有设置正确)
31   if (w_size == 0) {
32     dest = NULL;
33     return -1;
34   }
36   wcout << "w_size" << w_size << endl;
37   dest = new wchar_t[w_size];
38   if (!dest) return -1;
42   int ret = mbstowcs(dest, src, strlen(src)+1);
43   if (ret <= 0)return -1;46   return 0;
47 }
49 int main(){
51   char* str = "中国123";
52   wchar_t *w_str ;
53   ToWchar(str,w_str);
54   wcout << w_str[0] << "--" << w_str[1] << "--" << w_str[2];
55   delete(w_str);
56   return 0;
57 }
 1 #include <stdio.h>
 3 int main(void){
 5        int       i_number, result;
 6        float     f_number;
 7        char      c_number, str[81];
 8        wchar_t   wc_str, ws_str[81];
10        printf( "\n\nEnter an int, a float, two chars and two strings\n");
12        result = scanf( "%d %f %c %C %s %S",                               &i_number, &f_number, &c_number, &wc_str, str, ws_str );
13        printf( "\nThe number of fields input is %d\n",                                result );
14        printf( "The contents are: %d %f %c %C %s %S\n",                              i_number, f_number, c_number, wc_str, str, ws_str);
16        wprintf( L"\n\nEnter an int, a float, two chars and two strings\n");
18        result = wscanf( L"%d %f %hc %lc %S %ls",                               &i_number, &f_number, &c_number, &wc_str, str, ws_str );
19        wprintf( L"\nThe number of fields input is %d\n",                                result );
20        wprintf( L"The contents are: %d %f %C %c %hs %s\n",                               i_number, f_number, c_number, wc_str, str, ws_str);
21 }  
时间: 2024-08-27 08:25:15

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