allpaths 使用






ALLPATHS‐LG requires a minimum of 2 paired‐end libraries – one short and one long. The short library average separation size must be slightly less than twice the read size, such that the reads from a pair will likely overlap – for example, for 100 base reads the insert size should be 180 bases. The distribution of sizes should be as small as possible, with a standard deviation of less than 20%. The long library insert size should be approximately 3000 bases long and can have a larger size distribution. Additional optional longer insert libraries can be used to help disambiguate larger repeat structures and may be generated at lower coverage.

A fragment library is a library with a short insert separation, less than twice the read length, so that the reads may overlap (e.g., 100bp Illumina reads taken from 180bp inserts.) A jumping library has a longer separation, typically in the 3kbp‐10kbp range, and may include sheared or EcoP15I libraries or other jumping‐library construction; ALLPATHS can handle read chimerism in jumping libraries. Note that fragment reads should be long enough to ensure the overlap.

A fragment library is a library with a short insert separation, less than twice the read length, so that the reads may overlap (e.g., 100bp Illumina reads taken from 180bp inserts.) A jumping library has a longer separation, typically in the 3kbp‐10kbp range, and may include sheared or EcoP15I libraries or other jumping‐library construction; ALLPATHS can handle read chimerism in jumping libraries. Note that fragment reads should be long enough to ensure the overlap.


如果你有reference genome就提供


1, DATA directory里的base,quality score, and pairing information that:


2, a ploidy file must also be present.the file polidy file is a single-line file containing a number.The specfic file name is :




in_groups.csv和 in_libs.csv。

csv的意思是: comma-separated-values


group_name: a UNIQUE nickname for this specific data set.
library_name: the library to which the data set belongs.
file_name: the absolute path to the data file.


library_name: matches the same field in in_groups.csv.
project_name: a string naming the project.
organism_name: the organism.
type: fragment, jumping, EcoP15, etc. This field is only informative.
paired: 0: Unpaired reads; 1: paired reads.
frag_size: average number of bases in the fragments (only defined for FRAGMENT libraries).
frag_stddev: estimated standard deviation of the fragments sizes (only defined for FRAGMENT libraries).
insert_size: average number of bases in the inserts (only defined for JUMPING libraries; if larger than 20 kb, the library is considered to be a LONG JUMPING library).
insert_stddev: estimated standard deviation of the inserts sizes (only defined for JUMPING libraries).
read_orientation: inward or outward. Outward oriented reads will be reversed.
genomic_start: index of the FIRST genomic base in the reads. If non‐zero, all the bases before genomic_start will be trimmed out.
genomic_end: index of the LAST genomic base in the reads. If non‐zero, all the bases after genomic_end will be trimmed out.

这两个文件准备好以后,就可以run 这个perl脚本了 \

DATA_DIR=‘full path to REFERENCE DIR‘/mydata \

PICARD_TOOLS_DIR=‘path to picard tools‘ \

IN_GROUPS_CSV=in_groups.csv \

IN_LIBS_CSV=in_libs.csv \


PHRED_64 = 0 \

PLOIDY = 2 \

DATA_DIR: is the location of the ALLPATHS DATA directory where the converted reads will be placed.

PICARD_TOOLS_DIR: is the path to the Picard tools needed for data conversion, if your data is in BAM format.

IN_GROUPS_CSV: 编辑的in_groups.csv的文件位置,如果在当前目录,可以不写。

IN_LIBS_CSV: 编辑的in_libs.csv的文件位置,如果在当前目录,可以不写。

INCLUDE_NON_PF_READS: 0代表只有paired end reads, 1表示含有non_PF reads

PHRED_64: 0表示碱基质量是按照phred_33,1表示碱基质量按照phred_64

PLOIDY: 产生polidy文件,是单倍体就是1,二倍体是2.



PRE=<user pre>

This will create (if it doesn’t already exist) the following pipeline directory structure:
<user pre>/staph/mydata/myrun

Where staph is the REFERENCE directory, mydata is the DATA directory containing the imported data, and myrun is the RUN directory.




时间: 2024-10-09 22:01:53

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