Background MRP job running

1. Starting from the Material Requirements Planning node, choose Planning   Total planning

As background job.

The Total planning: Variants screen appears.

2. Choose Create variant.

The variant contains the control parameters for the total planning run.

3. Enter a name for the variant and choose Create.

The system displays the Variants: change screen assignment dialog box. The system

recommends the BATCH structure for MRP run screen.

4. Choose Continue.

The recommendation is copied and this takes you to the initial screen for the total

planning run.

5. Enter the control parameters that the system is to use during the total planning run (see

Control Parameters for the Planning Run and, if you work with scope of planning,

select the Parallel processing field.

6. Choose Attributes.

The ABAP: Save Attributes of Variant XXX: screen appears.

7. Enter a description for the variant in the Description field and choose .

This takes you to the initial screen for the total planning run again.

8. Choose Variants   Exit.

The Total planning: Variants screen appears again.

9. Position the cursor on the variant and choose Schedule job.

The Total Planning Scheduling: Start Time screen appears.

10. You define whether the variant created is to be scheduled just once or periodically.

Background MRP you can run from MDBT or you can schedule from SM36 transactions.

Variant is must to run the background job. you can create the same from SE38 transaction fro program RMMRP000 (MRP job program for background run at plant level). OR you can create this from MDBT initial screen.

Schedule this job as per your client requirement, daily, weekly (periodically) and the time. Normally recommends to run at night times.


How to get the list all Background Jobs which are executing daily in the system ?

SM37 --> job name = *

---- > username = *

start date till  today, end date till today

select only relesed and execute, you will get the jobs list.

时间: 2024-08-08 22:24:53

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