2014 物联网行业哪家强?



基于这个背景,IoT Nexus做了一份全行业的调查,覆盖数百家从事涉及物联网的企业,从庞大的跨国企业到中小企业,最后还有创业公司,从中发现哪些公司是整个行业中最强大的和最有创新力的。


Top 10

Samsung  三星  

Samsung believe IoT technology will soon permeate our lives, enabling more connected in-home experiences and powering smart cities, protecting the
environment and enabling better health for everyone. The goal for Samsung is a ubiquitous and seamless user experience that enhances the quality of life without added complexity. Their IoT initiative is partnering with all sectors of the tech industry to develop
an open platform that will minimize fragmentation and enable faster adoption of IoT.


Top 9

Apple  苹果

Apple they have made movements into the market with their HomeKit technology.

The HomeKit software will rely on a common network protocol that uses secure pairing to recognize a person’s iPhone. The iPhone can then trigger front doors, garage doors and a whole host of other home functions.

Using Siri, Apple’s virtual personal assistant on the iPhone, users of HomeKit apps will also be able to use voice commands to signal that it’s time for bed and that the doors should be locked and the lights dimmed.

Apple aren’t making the IoT products themselves, as of yet, but rather using iOS and the HomeKit platform to control products that have signed up to the HomeKit Development Program.




Top 8

Bosch  博世

Bosch believes that in the near future, more and more devices and systems will be capable of sending and receiving data automatically via the internet.
According to their estimates, by the year 2015 more than six billion devices and systems will be connected to each other and exchanging data via the internet.

Bosch are working on software and hardware, and a platform to link up various technologies. Bosch see partnerships between businesses are becoming more important than ever as no single company can successfully tackle all of the increasingly complex challenges
on its own. As of 2012, Bosch opened the Internet of Things and Services Lab in cooperation with the University of St. Gallen.



Top 7

Vodafone  沃达丰

Vodafone provide a global M2M platform and have a clear focus on developing strategic partnerships to provide end-to-end M2M services. Vodafone’s view is there
should be a presumption in favor of industry self-regulation. They also encourage a mandate for public policy benefits associated with M2M and are focusing on the enablement of new business models for M2M services.

沃达丰为全球提供M2M平台,重点发展提供端到端M2M服务的战略合作伙伴关系。沃达丰认为应该有一个行业内的自我准则。他们也鼓励批准 跟M2M有关的公共政策利益的制定,重点是M2M新商业模式的实现

Top 6

GE    通用电气

GE see the Industrial Internet as bringing about a profound transformation to global industry, by connecting more intelligent machines,
advanced analytics, and people at work. This deeper meshing of the digital world with the world of machines has the potential to bring enormous economic benefits. GE have estimated that this new wave of innovation could boost global GDP by as much as $10-15
trillion over the next 20 years, through accelerated productivity growth. Discussions of the Industrial Internet tend to focus on the machines and the data, but people at work are an equally essential element of this revolution. GE sees the Industrial Internet
delivering its benefits in terms of greater efficiency, lower costs, and ultimately more and better jobs and rising living standards.


Top 5

IBM  国际商用机器

Over the past century, IBM claim to have seen the emergence of a kind of global data field. IBM see that the planet

itself — natural systems, human systems, physical objects — as always having generated an enormous amount of data, but until recent decades, we weren’t able to hear it, to see it, to capture it. Now we can because all of these things have been instrumented
with microchips, UPC codes and other technologies. And they’re all interconnected, so now we can actually have access to the data. IBM’s research focuses include examining the business case for the Internet of Things and examining the benefits of Blockchain
technologies within IoT. IBM’s primary Internet of Things product is a cloud hosted service.


自然系统,人类系统,物理对象--都会产生巨大的数据量,但在最近几十年以前,我们都不能听到它,看到它和抓住它。现在我们可以 是因为这些东西都已经安装了芯片,UPC码等技术。而且他们都相互联通,所以现在我们可以访问这些数据。IBM的研究主要包括研究物联网的商业案例、检验物联网技术产业链的利益。IBM的主要物联网产品是云托管服务。

Top 4

Google  谷歌

Google have made acquisitions of various companies in the field of IoT. With its last three acquisitions — Boston Dynamics, Nest and DeepMind — it seems like Google is rapidly collecting the individual
pieces to put together a “real life Internet,” a network of AI-driven robots and objects that could improve transportation, manufacturing and even day-to-day consumer life.


Top 3


ARM creates sensors, controllers, and other embedded intelligence in devices. ARM see their technology designs as enabling IoT applications and services
to become truly ubiquitous and intelligent.

ARM’s business model is based on licensing the core technology to different partners, allowing them to differentiate and add value. Multiple suppliers for each form factor ensures competition, competition spurs innovation and differentiation, which exemplifies
the fact that diversity is what the Internet of Things is all about.

Besides the ability to address different markets, to explore new ones, and the ability to scale from small to large, the ecosystem for the Internet of Things will have to be more diverse than the mobile Internet today. Enabling ecosystems that drive innovation
is a critical part of what ARM does with its partnership based business model.

ARM创建传感器、控制器,和其他嵌入式智能设备。ARM认为自己的技术设计使得物联网应用和服务 真正做到无处不在和智能化。


除了覆盖不同市场的能力,ARM还探索新的、能力规模从大到小的物联网生态系统,这将比今天的移动互联网更加多样化。这样的生态系统能够驱动创新,这也是ARM 基础的商业模式中选取合作伙伴关系的一个关键部分。

Top 2

Intel  英特尔

Intel see the Internet of Things as transforming our world from disconnected, isolated systems to Internet-enabled devices that can network and communicate with
each other and the cloud, providing the opportunity for businesses to enhance productivity and efficiency, develop new services and improve real-time decision making. Intel is working to accelerate the development and deployment of the Internet of Things through
building intelligent devices, creating systems of systems by connecting legacy devices to the cloud, and enabling end-to-end analytics.


Top 1

Cisco  思科

Cisco defines the Internet of Everything (IoE) as bringing together people, process, data, and devices to make networked connections more relevant and valuable
than ever before, turning information into actions that create new capabilities, richer experiences, and unprecedented economic opportunity for businesses, individuals, and countries. Cisco apply many services to the Internet of Things including hardware,
software and solutions.




Samsung Electronics VD IoT Platform高级工程师,在物联网,云计算,移动通讯,网络安全和消息传递基础构架领域拥有超过9年的专业知识和经验。拥有丰富的企业消息传递基础构架开发,物联网、云、设备联接解决方案开发,以及成熟的管理软件和解决方案,如敏捷和DevOpts的开发经验。在国内首次提出SDT(softwaredefined Things)的IOT概念,拥有3项专利(一份正在评审)。




时间: 2024-08-03 05:34:31

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第一期 花式自适应网页哪家强? 就选你啦

咳咳. 麦克风测试ok... 那么第一届会议开始 ... 这次会议主题是手机web一些老生常谈的自适应问题.因为每个手机的系统不一样 大小也不一样 每个网页的排版也不一样.这个问题至今都还没有个正确的解 但这是入门手机端网页的必须跨过的一道墙. 那么究竟怎么解决这个问题了 今天我有幸请了6位选手解答 大家可以参考参考 这里我们以640px的设计稿为例 不知道这是什么请问美术gg 请用chrome手机游览器模式 游览选手连接 ------------------------------------


描述:为了用事实说明挖掘机技术到底哪家强,组织一场挖掘机技能大赛.现请你根据比赛结果统计出技术最强的那个学校. 输入:输入在第1行给出不超过105的正整数N,即参赛人数.随后N行,每行给出一位参赛者的信息和成绩,包括其所代表的学校的编号(从1开始连续编号).及其比赛成绩(百分制),中间以空格分隔. 输出:在一行中给出总得分最高的学校的编号.及其总分,中间以空格分隔.题目保证答案唯一,没有并列. input: 6 3 65 2 80 1 100 2 70 3 40 3 0 output: 2 15