February 6 2017 Week 6 Monday

There are no shortcuts to any place worth going.


Several years ago, I climbed the Huashan Mountain with my classmates.

It is one of the five best-known mountains in our country.

I was shocked by its breath-taking cliffs and its unique characteristics.

I was also exhausted when I climed towards one of its top, the East Peak.

But once I was on the top, the scene was very, very beautiful, especially when I saw the sunrise.

So, there are really no shortcuts to the place worth going.

You must pay enough energy, and you must not give up even when you think you are exhausted.

Just go, go forward.

You will be well paid if you reach the destination.

Someone is sitting in the shade today because someone planted a tree a long time ago.


Just plant some trees for others. that may be one of the ways I can be kept in others‘ mind.

时间: 2024-08-26 04:21:15

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