

JAVA用geotools读写shape格式文件 (对应geotools版本:2.7.2)

(后面添加对应geotools 10.0版本的写法)


shape格式文件最少包含3个文件,他们的后缀是:.shp, .dbf, .shx。



public void readDBF(String path) {


  1. DbaseFileReader reader = null;

  2. try {

  3. reader = new DbaseFileReader(new ShpFiles(path), false, Charset.forName("GBK"));

  4. DbaseFileHeader header = reader.getHeader();

  5. int numFields = header.getNumFields();

  6. //迭代读取记录

  7. while (reader.hasNext()) {

  8. try {

  9. Object[] entry = reader.readEntry();

  10. for (int i=0; i<numFields; i++) {

  11. String title = header.getFieldName(i);

  12. Object value = entry[i];

  13. System.out.println(title+"="+value);

  14. }

  15. } catch (Exception e) {

  16. e.printStackTrace();

  17. }

  18. }

  19. } catch (Exception e) {

  20. e.printStackTrace();

  21. } finally {

  22. if (reader != null) {

  23. //关闭

  24. try {reader.close();} catch (Exception e) {}

  25. }

  26. }

  27. }


public void readSHP(String path) {


  1. ShapefileDataStore shpDataStore = null;

  2. try{

  3. shpDataStore = new ShapefileDataStore(new File(path).toURI().toURL());

  4. shpDataStore.setStringCharset(Charset.forName("GBK"));

  5. String typeName = shpDataStore.getTypeNames()[0];

  6. FeatureSource<SimpleFeatureType, SimpleFeature> featureSource = null;

  7. featureSource = (FeatureSource<SimpleFeatureType, SimpleFeature>)shpDataStore.getFeatureSource(typeName);

  8. FeatureCollection<SimpleFeatureType, SimpleFeature> result = featureSource.getFeatures();

  9. System.out.println(result.size());

  10. FeatureIterator<SimpleFeature> itertor = result.features();

  11. while(itertor.hasNext()){

  12. SimpleFeature feature =;

  13. Collection<Property> p = feature.getProperties();

  14. Iterator<Property> it = p.iterator();

  15. while(it.hasNext()) {

  16. Property pro =;

  17. if (pro.getValue() instanceof Point) {

  18. System.out.println("PointX = " + ((Point)(pro.getValue())).getX());

  19. System.out.println("PointY = " + ((Point)(pro.getValue())).getY());

  20. } else {

  21. System.out.println(pro.getName() + " = " + pro.getValue());

  22. }

  23. }

  24. }

  25. itertor.close();

  26. } catch (MalformedURLException e) {

  27. e.printStackTrace();

  28. } catch(IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); }

  29. }



  1. public static void main(String[] args) {

  2. try{

  3. //定义属性

  4. final SimpleFeatureType TYPE = DataUtilities.createType("Location",

  5. "location:Point," + // <- the geometry attribute: Point type

  6. "POIID:String," + // <- a String attribute

  7. "MESHID:String," + // a number attribute

  8. "OWNER:String"

  9. );

  10. SimpleFeatureCollection collection = FeatureCollections.newCollection();

  11. GeometryFactory geometryFactory = new GeometryFactory();

  12. SimpleFeatureBuilder featureBuilder = new SimpleFeatureBuilder(TYPE);
  13. double latitude = Double.parseDouble("116.123456789");

  14. double longitude = Double.parseDouble("39.120001");

  15. String POIID = "2050003092";

  16. String MESHID = "0";

  17. String OWNER = "340881";
  18. /* Longitude (= x coord) first ! */

  19. Point point = geometryFactory.createPoint(new Coordinate(longitude, latitude));

  20. Object[] obj = {point, POIID, MESHID, OWNER};

  21. SimpleFeature feature = featureBuilder.buildFeature(null, obj);

  22. collection.add(feature);

  23. feature = featureBuilder.buildFeature(null, obj);

  24. collection.add(feature);
  25. File newFile = new File("D:/newPoi.shp");

  26. ShapefileDataStoreFactory dataStoreFactory = new ShapefileDataStoreFactory();

  27. Map<String, Serializable> params = new HashMap<String, Serializable>();

  28. params.put("url", newFile.toURI().toURL());

  29. params.put("create spatial index", Boolean.TRUE);

  30. ShapefileDataStore newDataStore = (ShapefileDataStore) dataStoreFactory.createNewDataStore(params);

  31. newDataStore.createSchema(TYPE);

  32. newDataStore.forceSchemaCRS(DefaultGeographicCRS.WGS84);
  33. Transaction transaction = new DefaultTransaction("create");

  34. String typeName = newDataStore.getTypeNames()[0];

  35. SimpleFeatureSource featureSource = newDataStore.getFeatureSource(typeName);
  36. if (featureSource instanceof SimpleFeatureStore) {

  37. SimpleFeatureStore featureStore = (SimpleFeatureStore) featureSource;

  38. featureStore.setTransaction(transaction);

  39. try {

  40. featureStore.addFeatures(collection);

  41. transaction.commit();

  42. } catch (Exception problem) {

  43. problem.printStackTrace();

  44. transaction.rollback();

  45. } finally {

  46. transaction.close();

  47. }

  48. } else {

  49. System.out.println(typeName + " does not support read/write access");

  50. }

  51. } catch (Exception e) {

  52. e.printStackTrace();

  53. }

  54. }




  1. import;

  2. import java.nio.charset.Charset;

  3. import java.util.Iterator;
  4. import;

  5. import;

  6. import;

  7. import;

  8. import org.opengis.feature.Property;

  9. import org.opengis.feature.simple.SimpleFeature;
  10. public class ShpNew {
  11. public static void main(String[] args) {

  12. ShapefileDataStoreFactory dataStoreFactory = new ShapefileDataStoreFactory();

  13. try {

  14. ShapefileDataStore sds = (ShapefileDataStore)dataStoreFactory.createDataStore(new File("D:\\work\\shpdir\\Poi.shp").toURI().toURL());

  15. sds.setCharset(Charset.forName("GBK"));

  16. SimpleFeatureSource featureSource = sds.getFeatureSource();

  17. SimpleFeatureIterator itertor = featureSource.getFeatures().features();
  18. while(itertor.hasNext()) {

  19. SimpleFeature feature =;

  20. Iterator<Property> it = feature.getProperties().iterator();
  21. while(it.hasNext()) {

  22. Property pro =;

  23. System.out.println(pro);

  24. }

  25. }

  26. itertor.close();

  27. } catch (Exception e) {

  28. e.printStackTrace();

  29. }

  30. }

  31. }



  1. try {

  2. ShpFiles sf = new ShpFiles("D:\\Poi.shp");

  3. ShapefileReader r = new ShapefileReader( sf, false, false, new GeometryFactory() );

  4. while (r.hasNext()) {

  5. Geometry shape = (Geometry) r.nextRecord().shape();  //com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Geometry;

  6. System.out.println(shape.toString());

  7. }

  8. r.close();

  9. } catch (Exception e) {

  10. e.printStackTrace();

  11. }



  1. public void readDBF() {

  2. try {

  3. FileChannel in = new FileInputStream("D:\\Poi.dbf").getChannel();

  4. DbaseFileReader dbfReader =  new DbaseFileReader(in, false,  Charset.forName("GBK"));

  5. DbaseFileHeader header = dbfReader.getHeader();

  6. int fields = header.getNumFields();
  7. while ( dbfReader.hasNext() ){

  8. DbaseFileReader.Row row =  dbfReader.readRow();

  9. //              System.out.println(row.toString());

  10. for (int i=0; i<fields; i++) {

  11. System.out.println(header.getFieldName(i) + " : " +;

  12. }

  13. }

  14. dbfReader.close();

  15. in.close();

  16. } catch (Exception e) {

  17. e.printStackTrace();

  18. }

  19. }



  1. public void write(String filepath) {

  2. try {

  3. //创建shape文件对象

  4. File file = new File(filepath);

  5. Map<String, Serializable> params = new HashMap<String, Serializable>();

  6. params.put( ShapefileDataStoreFactory.URLP.key, file.toURI().toURL() );

  7. ShapefileDataStore ds = (ShapefileDataStore) new ShapefileDataStoreFactory().createNewDataStore(params);

  8. //定义图形信息和属性信息

  9. SimpleFeatureTypeBuilder tb = new SimpleFeatureTypeBuilder();

  10. tb.setCRS(DefaultGeographicCRS.WGS84);

  11. tb.setName("shapefile");

  12. tb.add("the_geom", Point.class);

  13. tb.add("POIID", Long.class);

  14. tb.add("NAMEC", String.class);

  15. ds.createSchema(tb.buildFeatureType());

  16. ds.setCharset(Charset.forName("GBK"));

  17. //设置Writer

  18. FeatureWriter<SimpleFeatureType, SimpleFeature> writer = ds.getFeatureWriter(ds.getTypeNames()[0], Transaction.AUTO_COMMIT);

  19. //写下一条

  20. SimpleFeature feature =;

  21. feature.setAttribute("the_geom", new GeometryFactory().createPoint(new Coordinate(116.123, 39.345)));

  22. feature.setAttribute("POIID", 1234567890l);

  23. feature.setAttribute("NAMEC", "某兴趣点1");

  24. feature =;

  25. feature.setAttribute("the_geom", new GeometryFactory().createPoint(new Coordinate(116.456, 39.678)));

  26. feature.setAttribute("POIID", 1234567891l);

  27. feature.setAttribute("NAMEC", "某兴趣点2");

  28. writer.write();

  29. writer.close();

  30. ds.dispose();
  31. //读取刚写完shape文件的图形信息

  32. ShpFiles shpFiles = new ShpFiles(filepath);

  33. ShapefileReader reader = new ShapefileReader(shpFiles, false, true, new GeometryFactory(), false);

  34. try {

  35. while (reader.hasNext()) {

  36. System.out.println(reader.nextRecord().shape());

  37. }

  38. } finally {

  39. reader.close();

  40. }

  41. } catch (Exception e) { }

  42. }



  1. public void transShape(String srcfilepath, String destfilepath) {

  2. try {

  3. //源shape文件

  4. ShapefileDataStore shapeDS = (ShapefileDataStore) new ShapefileDataStoreFactory().createDataStore(new File(srcfilepath).toURI().toURL());

  5. //创建目标shape文件对象

  6. Map<String, Serializable> params = new HashMap<String, Serializable>();

  7. FileDataStoreFactorySpi factory = new ShapefileDataStoreFactory();

  8. params.put(ShapefileDataStoreFactory.URLP.key, new File(destfilepath).toURI().toURL());

  9. ShapefileDataStore ds = (ShapefileDataStore) factory.createNewDataStore(params);

  10. // 设置属性

  11. SimpleFeatureSource fs = shapeDS.getFeatureSource(shapeDS.getTypeNames()[0]);

  12. //下面这行还有其他写法,根据源shape文件的simpleFeatureType可以不用retype,而直接用fs.getSchema设置

  13. ds.createSchema(SimpleFeatureTypeBuilder.retype(fs.getSchema(), DefaultGeographicCRS.WGS84));
  14. //设置writer

  15. FeatureWriter<SimpleFeatureType, SimpleFeature> writer = ds.getFeatureWriter(ds.getTypeNames()[0], Transaction.AUTO_COMMIT);
  16. //写记录

  17. SimpleFeatureIterator it = fs.getFeatures().features();

  18. try {

  19. while (it.hasNext()) {

  20. SimpleFeature f =;

  21. SimpleFeature fNew =;

  22. fNew.setAttributes(f.getAttributes());

  23. writer.write();

  24. }

  25. } finally {

  26. it.close();

  27. }

  28. writer.close();

  29. ds.dispose();

  30. shapeDS.dispose();

  31. } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace();    }

  32. }


时间: 2024-10-12 15:21:50



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