JDK 源码解读之 Number类

public abstract class Number implements java.io.Serializable {

  Number类有修饰符 abstract 。表明Number类定义了一些方法,并没有具体实现,需要子类自己实现,关于abstract ,quaro上一个答案写的很清晰:

    The “abstract” Keyword

  1. The keyword abstract can be used on classe declaration. For example abstract MyClassX (…);.
  2. The keyword abstract can be used on method declaration. For example abstract int f (…);.
  3. When a class is declared abstract, it cannot be instantiated.
  4. When a method is declared abstract, it cannot have definition.
  5. Only abstract classes can have abstract methods. Abstract class does not necessarily require its methods to be all abstract.


时间: 2024-12-13 09:15:53

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