

336.You want to make sure that your database backup does not exceed 10 hours in length.
What command would you issue that would meet this condition?
A. backup database plus archivelog;
B. backup database plus archivelog until time 10:00;
C. backup database plus archivelog timeout 10:00;
D. backup database plus archivelog duration 10:00;
E. backup database plus archivelog timeout 10:00;


337.You have lost all your RMAN backup set pieces due to a disk failure.
Unfortunately, you have an automated cross-check script that also does a delete expired backupset command.
You have restored all the backup set pieces from tape.
What command would you use to get those backup set pieces registered in the recovery catalog and the control file of the database again?
A. register database
B. recover catalog
C. load backupset
D. synch metadata
E. catalog start with


338.You run the following commands:
RMAN> list expired backup;
RMAN> delete expired backup;
What will happen to the backup set pieces associated with the backups that appear in the list expired backup command?
A. They will be renamed.
B. Nothing will happen to them. The backup set pieces do not exist.
C. They will be deleted immediately since they are not in the flash recovery area.
D. You will need to manually remove the physical files listed in the output of the commands.
E. They will become hidden files and removed 10 days later.


339.Why would you run the delete obsolete command? (Choose all that apply.)
A. To remove missing backup set pieces physically from disk
B. To remove metadata related to backup set pieces in the control file and the recovery catalog
C. To mark as deleted records in the control file and the recovery catalog associated with obsolete backup sets
D. To delete backup set pieces associated with backups that are no longer needed due to retention criteria
E. To remove old versions of RMAN backups


340.What does it mean if a backup is expired?
A. The backup set has exceeded the retention criteria set in RMAN and is eligible for removal.
B. The backup set has one or more invalid blocks in it and is not usable for recovery.
C. The backup set contains one or more tablespaces no longer in the database.
D. The backup set contains one or more missing backup set pieces.
E. The backup set is from a previous version of RMAN and was not upgraded.
时间: 2024-08-28 04:03:50



目录 1.  用人之道 2.  鹦 鹉 3. 袋鼠与笼子 4. 扁鹊的医术 5. 曲突徒薪 6. 救 人 7. 出 门 8. 鱼王的儿子 9. 河边的苹果 10. 右手握左手 11. 抉 择 12. 简单道理 13. 并不是你想象中那样 14. 养牛之道 15. 爱人之心 16. 给 予 17. 提醒自我 18. 窗 19. 习惯与自然 20. 留个缺口给别人 21. 马 22. 所长无用 23. 佛塔上的老鼠 24. 钢玻璃杯的故事 25. 机会 26. 疯子和呆子 27. 博士 28. 跳槽

three.js 源码注释(六十八)extras/geometries/BoxGeometry.js

商域无疆 (http://blog.csdn.net/omni360/) 本文遵循"署名-非商业用途-保持一致"创作公用协议 转载请保留此句:商域无疆 -  本博客专注于 敏捷开发及移动和物联设备研究:数据可视化.GOLANG.Html5.WEBGL.THREE.JS,否则,出自本博客的文章拒绝转载或再转载,谢谢合作. 俺也是刚开始学,好多地儿肯定不对还请见谅. 以下代码是THREE.JS 源码文件中extras/geometries/BoxGeometry.js文件的注释. 更多更新


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316. 316.Given a complete loss of your database, in what order would you need to perform the following RMAN operations to restore it? A. restore controlfile B. restore database C. restore spfile D. recover database E. alter database open F. alter dat