(Incomplete) UVa 138 Street Numbers


设home的序号为n,街尾序号为N,列出方程 (n-1)*n/2 = (N+n+1)*(N-n)/2, 化简得 2*n*n = (N+1)*N。枚举N再检查是否有解。可以直接求,或者打表。


#include <cstdio>
#include <cstring>
#include <algorithm>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <stack>
#include <bitset>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cmath>
#include <set>
#include <list>
#include <deque>
#include <map>
#include <queue>
#include <fstream>
#include <cassert>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <cmath>
#include <sstream>
#include <time.h>
#include <complex>
#include <iomanip>
#define Max(a,b) ((a)>(b)?(a):(b))
#define Min(a,b) ((a)<(b)?(a):(b))
#define FOR(a,b,c) for (int (a)=(b);(a)<(c);++(a))
#define FORN(a,b,c) for (int (a)=(b);(a)<=(c);++(a))
#define DFOR(a,b,c) for (int (a)=(b);(a)>=(c);--(a))
#define FORSQ(a,b,c) for (int (a)=(b);(a)*(a)<=(c);++(a))
#define FORC(a,b,c) for (char (a)=(b);(a)<=(c);++(a))
#define FOREACH(a,b) for (auto &(a) : (b))
#define rep(i,n) FOR(i,0,n)
#define repn(i,n) FORN(i,1,n)
#define drep(i,n) DFOR(i,n-1,0)
#define drepn(i,n) DFOR(i,n,1)
#define MAX(a,b) a = Max(a,b)
#define MIN(a,b) a = Min(a,b)
#define SQR(x) ((LL)(x) * (x))
#define Reset(a,b) memset(a,b,sizeof(a))
#define fi first
#define se second
#define mp make_pair
#define pb push_back
#define all(v) v.begin(),v.end()
#define ALLA(arr,sz) arr,arr+sz
#define SIZE(v) (int)v.size()
#define SORT(v) sort(all(v))
#define REVERSE(v) reverse(ALL(v))
#define SORTA(arr,sz) sort(ALLA(arr,sz))
#define REVERSEA(arr,sz) reverse(ALLA(arr,sz))
#define PERMUTE next_permutation
#define TC(t) while(t--)
#define forever for(;;)
#define PINF 1000000000000
#define newline ‘\n‘

#define test if(1)if(0)cerr
using namespace std;
  using namespace std;
typedef vector<int> vi;
typedef vector<vi> vvi;
typedef pair<int,int> ii;
typedef pair<double,double> dd;
typedef pair<char,char> cc;
typedef vector<ii> vii;
typedef long long ll;
typedef unsigned long long ull;
typedef pair<ll, ll> l4;
const double pi = acos(-1.0);

vector<ll> ans;

int main()
    ll i = 2;
    while (ans.size() < 10)
        ll n = sqrt((i+1)*i/2);
        if (n * n == (i+1)*i/2)
    for (auto i : ans)
    cout << setw(10) << (ll) sqrt((i+1)*i/2) << setw(10) << i << newline;




时间: 2024-10-04 06:56:13

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