Sublime Text Code Visualization Plugin

Using this plugin one can navigate the code easily.

Source code and detailed user manual in .

Find Callers/Callees

Press Alt+C/V to find callers or callees

Press Alt+Up/Down/Left/Right in Sublime Text to jump to new functions

Find Class Hierarchy

Press Alt+B to find base and derived class

Find Overloaded Functions

Press Alt+O to find overloaded functions

Find Class Member

Press Alt+M to find all class variables and the largest member function.

Press Alt+M several times to see smaller member functions.

Find Variable Usage

Press Alt+U to find all functions that use selected variable

Save / Load Relationship Graph

Press Alt+Num to show relationship graph listed at the top left corner

Press Ctrl+Num to add selected edge to a relationship graph


时间: 2024-12-24 17:47:50

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